⁅ Chapter Nineteen //Deviant Ending\\ ⁆

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{{YEET- so, this is one of the endings. I'll be working on the machine ending next and then there will be an epilogue and then this book will be done. :') this whole book was so fun to write, and it honestly makes me kind of sad that it's coming to an end. But I can just make oneshots of this Au afterwards if ya guys want. :'> but they would be rare seeing as I'll be going back to my other one shot book and continue with that one.

Anyway, enjoy le chapter! Loveyouguys💙tysmforallthesupportyouallhavebeengivingme}}

   "It's my fault the humans managed to locate Jericho..." (Y/n) muttered softly, wincing as there was still are sharp pain in her back, but was now dulled to a faint throb as it only sting greatly every once in a while. It still hurt like hell, but at least she knew she wouldn't die seeing as she was an android and she was given some Thirium to drink once they all arrived safely at the church. "I was stupid... I should've guessed they were just using me." A humorless laugh left (Y/n)'s lips as tears welled up in her eyes and dribbled down her face, finally coming to the reality that no one really actually cared for her. That they were all just using her. Connor, Niles, Hank, CyberLife, Amanda. Every. Single. One.
   "I'm so, so, so sorry, Markus." Her words were sincere and came from the bottom of her mechanical heart, which was not slowly breaking into pieces from the harsh reality that had been laid upon her. "I... I-I understand if you decide not to trust me..." The (H/c)-notes eyes squeezed shut in a futile attempt to stop the flowing of her tears, a quick raspy breath leaving her lips as everything felt like it was falling at the seams.
   "You're one of us, now." (Y/n) suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, and let her tear filled eyes open to look Markus with a sorrowful yet thankful look at the fact that he decided to forgive her. "Your place is with your people." Those words didn't really help in her case, as she thought she really mattered to the Anderson's, and as much as she hated to admit it, she had grown attached to the whole family. Some more than others. Yet, it was clear she was just a tool that the humans decided they could use. Markus let his hand slide off her shoulder and turned around to walk away, but he stopped in place when (Y/n) began to suddenly speak while she wiped her tears away.

   "There are thousands of androids at the CyberLife assembly plant. If we could wake them up, they might join us and shift the balance of power..." It was a dumb yet smart idea at the same time; dumb because it could be considered a death wish with the stakes of it, and smart because if it worked then the androids would have an advantage in this war. This seemed to have caught the deviant leaders attention as he slowly walked back towards (Y/n).
   "You wanna infiltrate the CyberLife Tower?" Markus stopped a few feet in front of her and closed his eyes, an expression mixed with concern and thoughtfulness, before they opened again to reveal a disbelieving look in his multicolored orbs. "(Y/n), that's suicide..."
   "They trust me, they'll let me in. If anyone has a chance of infiltrating CyberLife, it's me." (Y/n) tried to reason, feeling as though this were the only way she could make up for the stupid mistake she made that Costa hundreds of lives at Jericho. The thought alone made her want to cry all over again.

   "If you go there, they will kill you." Markus's voice was serious and worried despite the fact that he only truly met the female android hours ago.
   "There's a high probability..." (Y/n) finally admitted, making a small nodding motion with her head along with what she said. "-but statistically speaking, there's always a chance for unlikely events to take place..." After a moment of silence over the two Markus stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder, an uncertain yet hopeful look in his eyes.
   "Be careful..." He gave the female android a look, who could only give a weak smile in response before he gently removed his hand and stepped away. "I don't want you to hurt yourself, so be on high alert..."

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