⁅ Prologue ⁆

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{{Some ppl wanted me to turn this into a book so TA DA- And all I have to say is umm, welcome to this book, hope you enjoy. :') Updates may be a bit slow since it takes a while to write each chapter- And the chapters may be a bit wonky since I'm still working some stuff out, so sorry about that. :'/ }}

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AUG. 15th, 2038

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PM. 08:29:05

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The elevator dinged with every floor it passed, mixing in with the sound of a metal 'ping' and light swishes of air as a coin was flung up into the air multiple times. The quarter was soon caught once again, only to roll over the androids knuckles flawlessly before being tossed back and forth between two hands and the pinging sound to continue. A faint flicker of blue appeared from the L.E.D on the side of the androids head, while curious eyes looked up at the number on the elevator as it could be heard coming to a stop. As soon as the number hit seventy the quarter was caught one last time between two fingers, before being neatly tucked away so the female android could fix her bow.

The (H/c) haired android stayed in place as the doors automatically slid open at floor seventy, her (E/c) hues being first to land on a soldier that stood guard by the elevator. At the sound of the elevator dinging upon her arrival, the man looked back at the android through his large protective mask and backed away from the elevator.
"Negotiator on site. Repeat, negotiator on site." With that his footsteps faded away as he made his way into another room away from the android. With a small raise of her slim brows, (Y/n) began to walk out of the elevator, her (E/c) eyes observing around her as she walked further into the scene. Eventually her eyes landed down on fish on the floor after her hearing processors picked up on the sound of her short black boots splashing in a small puddle of water. A piece of glass crunched under her shoe as she was about to kneel down to the fish, before turning her head abruptly when she heard a distressed woman.

"No, stop... I... I... I can't leave her." Around the corner came the woman her sensors had picked up on, and what she assumed was the same guard as before. The woman seemed to have noticed (Y/n)'s presence right away, as she quickly came over to the android and gripped onto her shoulders tightly.
"Oh, oh please, please, you gotta save my little girl..." (Y/n) only blinked her eyes down at the woman, seeing her eyes trail off to the side of her head. Slowly, the woman let go of the (H/c)-nette, a look mixed with anger and fear twisting onto her features.
"Wait..." She looked down at (Y/n)'s CyberLife jacket as well, as if confirming what she had thought the minute she spotted the blue glow of an androids L.E.D on the side of (Y/n)'s head. "...you're sending an android?"

"Alright, ma'am. We need to go." The minute those words left the woman's mouth the soldier that was accompanying her swiftly grabbed onto her arm, now trying to lead her to the elevator.
"You can't... you can't do that! You W-" Not listening to her words the guard began to drag the woman towards the elevator, (Y/n)'s eyes trailing after their movements while the woman glared back over at the android.
"Why aren't you sending a real person? Don't let that thing near her!" With that she was gone in an instant as soon as she was in the elevator and the guard had pushed a button, successfully blocking (Y/n)'s view as soon as the doors closed. With that (Y/n) turned back to the fish on the ground, kneeling down beside it before gently grasping onto the fish.

⁅ Switched ⁆ Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя