⁅ Chapter Eight ⁆

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{{Ya girl strained her ankle and had to be sent home from school after 1st period, so of course I'm going to update seeing as I can't leave my bed. :'> yay-?

Also, someone pointed out to me that even tho I hate Amanda with a passion, shes important to the story. So I threw her in here :')}}

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NOV. 6th, 2038

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PM 07:51:04

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Blinking her eyes open (Y/n) was met with the soft pitter patter of rain falling all around her, and also found herself in the zen garden she had now become oh so familar with by now. An umbrella was grasped tightly in her hand, yet she didn't open it quite yet as she found her legs walking on their own, as if dragging her to the location she needed to be at.
Not long after the Rk800 android found herself standing in front of the person she needed to go to, and she was as stiff as a board as her facial expression remained neutral.
"Hello, Amanda." (Y/n)'s voice was nice and soft, and she gave the woman in front of her a small nod along with her greeting.


⌞┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ⌟

"(Y/n), I've been expecting you... Would you mind a little walk?" With her question (Y/n) walked right over to her side in an instant, and her hands made quick work of opening the umbrella in her hand before holding it above them. Amanda was the first to start walking, and (Y/n) made sure to keep her steps in time with the woman's so she wouldn't fall behind.
"That deviant seemed to be an intriguing case. A pity you didn't manage to capture it..." Amanda's voice was gentle, and (Y/n) could hear the disappointing tone in her voice, yet her (E/c) eyes remained looking straight ahead through the drops of rain.

Amanda ⍌
⌞┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ⌟


► [△] Pragmatic

► [○] Explain

► [☓] No excuse


[○] Explain

"Deviants are completely irrational, which makes it difficult to anticipate their behavior..." (Y/n) started, daring to take a quick glance over at Amanda only to see her staring forward now. Her eyes also moved back to looking ahead of them, listening the rain plunging into small puddles that had formed on the ground. "But I should have been more effective."
"Did you manage to learn anything?" (Y/n)'s L.E.D flickered blue as she looked over at Amanda, seeing a smile that made her feel what human's called being 'revolted'. She didn't understand why though, seeing as she never really minded Amanda before. So why now? {{Cozshe'sabitchduh-}}

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