the princess - the conclave

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'What was it like to lose him?'
'It was like hearing every goodbye said to me- said all at once'

- lan leav


Gorgina Foy P.O.V

"Princess." I look up from my papers, coming face to face with my fiancée. "Hi!" I exclaim, staying in my spot.

"Signing?" He asks as he comes to the back of my chair. "Unfortunately being doing it for the last two days." I reply, signing another paper.

It's all about who is staying where and the new rules.

"You've got this." He kisses the top of my head, making me smile. "I need a break." I tell him, pushing my chair away.

"You'll be finished by tonight?" He asks and I look at how much of the packet I have left, just around two hundred papers. "I'm not sure. Unless you'd like to help, of course." I offer.

"Sure." He goes around, siting in the chair in front of mine. "Okay, how about you read them and then summarize what it's about." I instruct.

"Got it."

We do that cycle, him summarizing and me signing for hours. "We need to talk." He begins as I lead him out to his horse.

"Go ahead." I lean against a tree, watching as he grabs my hands in his.

"We're fighting tomorrow night for the last living space-" I cut him off before he can continue.

"What do you mean fighting?"
"Each thirteen clan will choose a fighter and the one who brings all thirteen necklaces gets it."

"And you're going?"

"Roan. I can't lose you. I get that its for your people but my people are your people."
"I'm not dying. I'll win and if I don't..."

"You won't. Don't say that." I feel a tear roll down my cheek and Roan wipes it away.

"My people are your people." He whispers, running his hand throughout my hair. "Gosh, I love you." He adds.

"I love you too." I watch him as he pulls away, grabbing his horse. "Roan?" I call out, my voice breaking, he stops, looking back at me.

"Yes, princess?"
"Stay for the night?" I ask and I see him questioning himself, if his people would accept him staying his final night before the conclave with me. "Just for tonight." He comes back to me and I grab his hand in mine.

We make our way back to my chamber, cuddling.

"What are you thinking about?" He whispers and I don't look up as I reply, "All I can think about is there's a war going on, and I'm not in it. But fighting a war is a bad way to decide who gets to survive."

"A conclave." Roan corrects me. "One champion per clan. One death. Instead of thousands. And whoever wins, gets the bunker." He explains and it makes sense but I don't want to lose him.

"Then I'll be there. I'll support you."
"No, you're staying here. If I'm to die, I don't want you to suffer seeing me."

"I'll suffer not knowing if you made it or not." I look up to see him closing his eyes. "Go to sleep, princess. Tomorrow's a long day."


"Guara kom Podakru. Accept the sigil of your clan and fight with honor as their champion." I stand in the crowd,
wacthig the warriors come up and accept the sigil of their clan.

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