the princess - going public

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'if these walls could talk, i'd hope they wouldn't say anything, because they've seen way too many things'


Gorgina Foy P.O.V

"Morning rise bird lovers!" I groan, feeling Roan's grip harder when a voice sounds around my chamber.

"Get out." I whisper into Roan's chest, not having the energy to lean my head up.

"Five more minutes or I'll be back." Finally the person leaves and I take this as my time to try and fall back into slumber.

"Princess." Roan whispers and I feel him kissing my forehead.

"Yeah?" I look up, seeing him already looking down at me. "I need to tell you something." He begins.

"Not now, its too early for a talk." I speak up, rolling off him and sitting up on the corner of my bed.

"Tonight?" I let out a sigh, looking back at him and I can clearly notice he's not too happy. "Yeah." I bite my nails, tonight is unfortunately the ball. Its not bad, the bad part is what Roan has to talk to me about.

"Good, y'all are up." Heather says as she walks in, Regina following close behind and Rufus after.

"Something came up?" I ask, facing them now. "The ball... and Roan, Heda said your mother is looking for you." Heather is the one to reply and I glance at Roan with a worried look. His mother... She never came to see him, not since he had to stay with Commander Lexa. She never cared for him, probably still doesn't.

I admire Roan as he pulls on his usual outfit, this time putting on a coat that the hood covered up his face. "I'll see tonight." Roan whispers as he comes up to me, he's not one of PDA but he's gotten used to my three friends... If you count Rufus as one.

"Yeah, for sure." I stand up, ignoring the other three as Roan leans down, pressing his lips down against mine before he leaves and I look after him, letting out a huff.

"Trouble in paradise?" Regina speaks up, taking control instead of Heather. "Uhh, just Roan being Roan." I look down, not wanting to look at them. He's been coming later than usual and he's sometimes dry.

"The people want to know." Rufus changes the topic, well at least just a little. "Tonight." And with that, I walk out of my chamber with them following close behind.

Tonight we'll come out to my kingdom at the ball.

I look at myself in the mirror, we've changed my ball gown to a dark blue, meaning a new queen. "You look good." I jump just a tiny tiny bit, not expecting anyone to come in. "Thank you." I turn around to come face to face with Rufus.

"Being honest-" But I cut him off before he can continue complimenting me. "Where's Roan?"

"Not here." Rufus answers and I look at myself in the mirror once more before walking out the bathroom with Rufus beside me.

"He'll come." I inform him, more as in assuring myself that everything will be good. Its going to turn out good.

We walk in silence until we reach the ball room second floor entrance where I'll be the only one going down, with the crown. "Your majesty." Just like that, Heather comes out with Regina nowhere in sight which is a completely new thing. I lower my head as she places the crown on my head.

"You look beautiful." She compliments as I look up at her. "I second that." And Regina waltz in from another door. "Thank you."

"Its been an hour since it started, time for The Queen and the upcoming princess to be announced." Regina adds and thats when I notice a little girl holding onto Regina. I never meet the upcoming princess, I haven't been allowed to talk to her, nedledd meet her. Rufus takes care of her and I'll finallt meet her when she's older enough.

"Hi little one." I whisper as I kneel down to her level, taking the actual princess crown from Heather's hold. "H-Hallo." She replies making me let out a smile as I place the crown on her hair.

"Majesty." I look at Rufus as I stand back up, turning all the way around. He knocks on the door two times, meaning its me.

"Your majesty, Gorgina Foy!" One of the guard says from the other side before both doors open and I'm in the middle, no other person on view.

I make my way down the stairs, looking at the crowd and giving them a smile until I reach the bottom and they call out for the princess and Kathleen comes down the stairs just like I once did.

We walk up to the two thrones, beside each other and once we sit down, the main ball room door flies open but what catches my eyes are all the gasps and murmurs.

"Stay here." I whisper at Kathleen before I make my way up to the main door, the people making me a pathway and I stay without knowing until I come face to face with Roan in a tuxedo.

"Roan." I whisper under my breath, hurrying my step up to him and once I reach him and he instantly wraps his arms around my waist, twirling us as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"You look stunning." He whispers as he sets me down but he doesn't lets go. "And you clean up nicely." I whisper back, seeing his hair finally up in a bun for once, something I never expected.

"Shh." He says in a joking manner as he leans down, giving me a longer kiss from this morning. "I missed you." I say against his lips and I feel him smile into the kiss.

"Not as much as I did." He replies as he pulls away. "We're matching hairstyles." He adds which makes me let out a laugh but a cough brings me back to reality, the one in which we're surrounded by my people.

I lace my fingers with Roan's and I make my way back to my throne. "I'll like to finally tell all of you about Prince Roan from Ice Nation and me starting a relationship officially. Some of you won't accept and I get it but since he's been here he hasn't done anything but help and I wanted to make sure this relationship wil last." I scream, letting everyone here and when I finish it stays quite.

"Lets give it to the Princess and the Prince!" Heather yells from the other side and mostly everyone starts cheering.

"What about Blake?!" Someone yells, making me look at Heather uncomfortably, Roan knows there was something between us but he doesn't likes talking about him.

"Baby." I turn to look back at my lover but he's face gesture had change. "What is it?" I ask, turning to him and be grabs my face in his hands.

"I'm competing tomorrow with Heda to death, that's all I can say." He whispers, and I want to pull away but I can't.

"No, you can't."
"I'll do my best."

"You're goin-"
"I'll come back to you."



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