the princess - fishy

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"It is what it is, right?"


Gorgina Foy P.O.V

"Baby." I hear Roan mutter as he shakes me lightly but I take all the energy inside of me to push him away, "Leave me alone."

Roan chuckles before I hear his voice, "You want chocolate cake?" That instantly makes me sit up, meeting his eyes.

"Chocolate cake? Where?" I ask him with a wide smile. "At the Underground." He says before he turns his back to me, folding up his blanket. "Get packing if you want to leave before sunrise." He adds and that's when it sinks in, he's doing as I asked. I follow his move, cleaning up my side of our made up 'bed' since we sleep together.

We finish packing the inside before we take down the tent and place our belongings back onto our horses.

"Thank you, you know, for this." I mumble as we get away from Arkadia without anyone stopping us. It's not like they'll miss me and Rufus would get my mom to come.

"Anything for you." I blush instantly, he still takes time from his day to compliment me. "Why thank you."

We do our journey back to the Underground, where I get off Star and get all the luggage off her. "You're coming inside?" I ask him, brushing my hand through Star's hair for the last time today. "Ice Nation needs me." He replies and I glance up at him.

"Let me know when I can go see you." I tell him as I tie my hair up in a lazy bun. I'll have to put away the Arkadia clothing for... for how long they won't accept me as their own.

"Polis?" He offers but I shake my head. "We'll find time." And with that, he starts his journey to his throne.

"So much for the 100." I mumble under my breath as I make my way inside.

It takes me a while to find just one person and when I do, its in the ball room and its everyone except they're all eating together. "Good morning." I speak up as I open the doors wider and walk through the room.

I see few bows here and there but I go to the main table, where there's an empty chair, probably for me. "Hi?" Regina whipers as I sit beside her. "Hey, where's Rufus?" I ask her, noticing just two chairs in here.

"Somewhere, but how was it?" Regina seems to change mood and she's acting strangely. "It could've gone better." I mumble as Rufus comes in, stopping in his tracks before continuing and putting a plate in front of me.

"You're back." He mumbes under his breath. They're acting strange. "Thanks but I'm not hungry." I offer them a simpatic smile, pushing the plate away from me. "Heather wouldn't like that." And like that, Rufus pushes the plate back to me.

"Fine." I eat with both of them talking to each other, not even one including me in their conversation.

When I'm done, I go to the security room in my section, going through the videos taken by my people when the sky people first landed. When the 100 arrived.

"Hey, sorry for ignoring you earlier." I turn to see Regina come inside, sitting beside me. "It's alright, its a good way for him to notice you." I tell her but focus back on the computer.

Me and Murphy joking around, gosh, I remember that day. I wonder how he's doing, if he's less pyscho. But its John Murphy we're talking about here.

"I don't see him like that anymore-" I cut her off before she can continue. "Just because he likes me doesn't mean he won't like you. If you work hard-" But she does the same to me, cutting me off before I can go any further.

"I'm more focused on you and the sky people making it out okay." I bite my tounge before I can say anything that would affect the conversation.

"I get its lunch time but I'm tired so I'll see you after my nap." I walk away from the security room, going to my chamber. When I open the door I see Heather sleeping on my couch. I let her do her as I go to my bed and once my head hits the pillow, its nap time.

"Gorgina?" I keep my eyes close as I open my mouth, "Yeah, Heather?" I turn to my side, if I keep my eyes close I'll fall back to sleep. Which I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

"Be careful with Regina and Rufus, they're up to something."


Short but its something. Can you guess what Rufus and Regina are up to?

 Can you guess what Rufus and Regina are up to?

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