the princess - awake

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"By the time we meet again, I hope that you have sorted out your rattling thoughts, and that you have found peace within your bones. I hope by then, I will see a sincere smile on your face, that you will tell me how comfortable you are in your own skin. And I will smile. I will smile the proudest smile as I begin to tell you how I never stopped loving you all this time."


Gorgie Foy P.O.V

I let out a yawn as I flick open my eyes to see a bright lamp facing me. I blink my eyes a couple of times, trying to focus on what's around me and trying to remember the last thing that happened.

But I just remember me wondering off while I bleed and bleed until I passed out. That's all that comes up to mind... But the others. Bellamy.

I sit up, finally being able to look around and clearly I'm not with the grounders or back inside the Ark, it's way too fancy, as if its straight from a 2018 rich kids movie room.

"Miss?" I look up to see a young girl, probably around her mid twenties.

"Uhh, hi?" I don't know what to say, damn, I don't even know where I am.

"You're probably freaking out. I'll get you a healer." She mumbles to herself mainly but I'm able to hear her. I watch her leave the bedroom and soon she comes back with a group of people. Five total.

Two of them are males and the other half is females but they're a mix in ages, some are as young as maybe around me and at least one has grey hair.

Three of them check me, vitals and lift up my gown, checking my cut. The cut! I take a peak as well, it's almost healed.

"How long has it been?" Its their first time hearing me speak but its as if they're used to english.

"Maybe a month." The girl from earlier says from across the room.

"Under constant supervision from the best healers here." One of the healers says, she's for sure the youngest, __CHARACTERISTICS_.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Another healer asks, this one is a male and looks to be around mid thirties to early forties.

"I could be doing way better if I wasn't injured but just fine... I think." I reply, being honest has been one of my good and bad abilities. I'm just worried if I stay here long enough I'll have to repay all they done to me.

"Good." This one is the oldest one yet, around early sixties I would assume and of course, the male. The females are the youngest while male are the oldest, but I get it, females are quite important this days. They're the way of reproduction.

"The queen would like to see her in an hour." This time a male comes into the bedroom, looking around and stopping right at me, looking me up and down.

"Get her changed out." He adds before he leaves and the girl in the corner lets out a deep breath.

"Okay, everyone out. Let us be." She gets up, kicking out the healers and I never seen anyone leave as quickly as they did, all except the first one that spoke from the healers.

"I'm Heather, that's Regina." She introduces themselves.

"Gorgina but I go Gorige." I introduce myself back as Heather disconnects me from the machines all around me. Regina goes over to the wardrobe and I stand up, going to see as well. She doesn't lets me choose as she takes out a dress.

"Where am I?" I ask to both of them, mainly to the first one to answer.

"You're in the 'Underground'. We're another of those ground people group, you must be from the sky, at least that's what we got from your clothing when you arrived. Either way, before all the nuclear events could wipe us out, this bunker was built like no other. The owner wanted it to be as perfect as ever and built it as a castle, huge underground but not noticeable from the outside unless you know where to go for the entrance. You probably never heard from us because we like to be natural, stay out of wars and we like it down here more than out there. We've got really got tech and everything the only problem is out clothing, all we got are gowns and gowns if you're not a guard or male. Male's have more decent clothing but not as best as you had up in the sky." Heather explains as Regina takes off my hospital gown, putting me in a light blue gown, more in a bed lazy type. She sits me down and does my hair into half up and half down while Heather keeps explaining from beside me.

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