the princess - an offer

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"Take wrong turns. Talk to strangers. Open unmarked doors. And if you see a group of people in a field, go find out what they are doing. Do things without always knowing how they'll turn out. You're curious and smart and bored, and all you see is the choice between working hard and slacking off. There are so many adventures that you miss because you're waiting to think of a plan. To find them, look for tiny interesting choices. And remember that you are always making up the future as you go." - Randall Munroe


Gorgina Foy P.O.V.

I sit on my chair for another hour until the Queen finally stands up and we follow.
"It was a pleasure having you for dinner." The Queen thanks as she walks to an empty spot and we follow.

"Very much." I thank them as well, keeping my eye focused on Regina but she starts shaking her head in the direction of Prince Roan.

"Uhh- I'd walk them out if you liked." I offer, turning to Queen Maureen.

"That sounds lovely." Commander Lexa says but I know its just because she doesn't knows her way around.

"Are you sure? You've got to wake up early tomorrow." I can see it in her face she's worried I'll do something but I'm to be trusted.

"It's alright, either way, it's closer to my section." I assure her. I don't waste another second as I make my way outside the dinning hall.

Two guards followed in front and two behind, Commander Lexa walking up front, me in the middle, and Prince Roan last.

"Don't you have clothing?" I jump when hot breath touch my neck but realize its just Prince Roan who comes up beside me, way too close.

"We're stuck with ancient clothing inside but not when we go outside." I reply, keeping it in hush tones.

"But I love it." I add and finally looking at him, noticing the distance that was small is now way smaller. If I just lean my head forward I could kiss him in seconds.

"You know, if you'd like to make a move you'd have to wait until we're out of the public eye." This is as low as I can speak, not wanting anyone else to hear.

"I don't move fast." He whispers back.
"Seems like it." Our hands brush against each other and we soon stop at once of the entrance where its not as packed as the others. People enjoy going outside and such. Inside our land.

"We're all good, thank y'all." I tell the guards and they bow before leaving.

"Your highness." Commander Lexa gives me a smile before she goes up the stairs and its just Prince Roan and me. He doesn't waste a second before pushing me against the wall. He keeps one hand on my waist and the other one beside my head.

"I don't usually kiss someone when I met them." I whisper as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I don't either." Prince Roan leans his head down to beside my ear and I'm using the wall for support. I can't feel my legs and I'm surprise how cool I'm actually keeping it on the outside.

I lick my lips as I move Prince Roan's face from beside my face to in front.
"We better make this quick." I whisper before I push my lips against his. Rough. We kiss is sync, ignoring everyone around us
"Hmm. Okay. You've got to go." I whisper against his lips, not even opening my eyes.

"Goodbye Princess." And just like that, he leaves.

I open my eyes with a groan, he's nowhere to be seen.
"TSK." I make the sound with my tongue as I make my journey to my chamber.

the princess | king roan [The 100]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat