the princess - seeing you again

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"Seeing you changed everything. Between us and in my life."


Gorgina Foy P.O.V

I let out a huff as Rufus leans against the wall and Regina works on my hair, half up and half down- We found it as a way to support Roan today without being obvious and I'll be wearing one of those coats that cover all your body and the hood most your face. And of course, we go with a lose dress that's not a ball gown but its pretty enough for public but this one is black, so I won't stand out as much.

"Do we really need all that guard detail?" I ask Rufus, he keeps insisting we have to bring our main ten guards to make sure I'm in full safety.

"Want to die." Rufus replies more in an obvious question way.

"I hope he wins." Heather speaks from the other side of the room. "Me too." I mumble, I can't keep losing people in my life.

"I'm done." Regina changes the topic and I never been so glad before, I don't need to become an emotional wreak.

"Lets go then, we're already late." I order as I stand up and put on my hood before we make our way out my section and meet up with the guards outside.

Once we get there, there's already a crowd and it seemed to have just about started. "Get Star." I order, looking at the guard that stopped beside me.

I get off my horse, pushing myself through the crowd. People glance at me and then back to the fight, not finding a stranger so intriguing. But not even halfway through the crowd, I see two familiar faces afar and I can feel my eyes start to watery out of nowhere.

Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin. They're alive.

I let out a deep breath and as I'm about to look away, Bellamy looks my way and notices me. Instantly. Fuck.

I close my eyes for a few seconds to collect my thoughts before I continue my way to the front but when I finally make it to the front, Heda has a foot on Roan's chest, about to throw a spide to his chest.
"Lexa!" I yell and I know she heard me, seeing her more relax. I look down at Roan who doesn't moves, ready to die. Oh gosh no.

"Blood must have blood." I hear Lexa mumble and when I look up, Lexa throws the spide to the Queen of the Ice Nation, killing her instantly.

I ignore everyone as I see Roan sitting up, looking around until we make eye contact and I let out a shaky breath as I walk up to him and he stands up.

"You scared me there." I whisper as I finally reach him and he lets out a chuckle as he grabs my face in his hands, wiping my tears away but I'm not telling them half is from seeing Bellamy.

"But I didn't die." He points out, taking me back to our conversation from the other night. "No, you didn't." I whisper as his head dips down and he presses his lips against mine and I can hear yelling and gasps all around us. "King Roan of the Ice Nation." I whisper against his lips as I place my hands on his chest.

"Hmp, that sounds good." He says as I pull away but still are in each other's hold. "You don't got to hide." He adds, taking off my hood and exposing me to the world before I could protest.

"Who's that?" People whisper from around us.

"Queen Gorgina of the Underground." I hear Rufus yelling and I know its not answering the question but yelling at me for exposing myself.

"Welp, that was fun while it lasted." I groan, giving Roan a kiss on the cheek before going to Rufus but Lexa stands beside him with no other than Clarke and Bellamy beside him and I know Roan isn't that happy.

"Puppet." Bellamy whispers, stepping towards me but I stay frozen. "Your alive. You're really alive." He whispers to himself as if he thought I was an hallucination.

I feel a presence behind me before hot air hits my neck. "Go on." Roan gives me his permission and I don't wait a second before wrapping Bellamy into a hug, but unlike our past, it was more of a friends hug.

"I'm sorry I left." I whisper into his ear before I pull away. "You didn't leave, you escaped." He corrects me and I give him a weak smile.

"Hey, I've got to go." Another voice speaks up and I recognize it as my boyfriend. "I'll see you around." I tell Bellamy before I make my way back to Star but I glance back to see Bellamy still looking at me. But I'm with Roan and Bellamy is in the past.

Roan places his hand on my lower back, going back to hardly no PDA but I'm sure he was just doing it due to Bellamy being here.

"You're back to the Ice Nation?" I ask the most obvious question. "I got to."

My problem is just that Ice Nation is one of the farthest to reach and I can't go there and come back and still spend enough time with Roan. "I'll see you when I see you." I mumble as I walk away from him.

"Princess!" He calls out and I watch him come back. "I love you." He whispers, grabbing my hand in his.

This is the first time he ever said it. "I-" But Roan cuts me off. "You don't got to tell me until you truly do." His comment gives me a wide smile, one I never have most times.

"Alright." He leans down, pressing his lips against me but more passionately than he has ever done. "Roan, please don't do anything stupid." I mumble against his lips, not daring to open my eyes and ruin the moment.

"Have you met me?" He lets out a chuckle and I give him a quick peck. "Hmm, whatever floats your boat."



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