Chapter 53 - Happy ending

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After saying goodbye to my friends, I headed back to my house and noticed a group walking to the same direction as me.

As I got closer I could see them clearly. It was my brother with his friends, Chogi and Kiba, alongside with Akira. They seemed to be having a good time.

As they noticed me, they waved. I waved back and joined them. Kiba and Akira said hello, but Chogi's mouth was full of potato chips so he didn't.

'It's good to see you awake sis.' Shika said to me in place of greeting.

'Seeing you guys together without fighing is good too.' I said, nodding to him and Akira.

'We are friends after all!' Akira said and put his arm around Shikamaru's shoulders. Shika pushed his arm back then they started to gird each other.

They seemed totally different from before. Akira was cheerful and full of energy and bro was the usual lazy punk again. As their duel was over, they became the friends they were before.

Not so soon, Kiba joined them too in their miniature fight. Chogi just stood and watched them, thinking about who should he cheer on. They were like little kids in the sand pit, fighting for toys.

As the fight ended, Akira and Kiba was on the ground, exhaused, but brother tried to stay cool and stood up, his hands in pockets. He tried to hide it, but he was out too.

'You are so helpless!' I shook my head with a smile and made a long arm to help Akira stand up.

'Thank you Ichigo-sama.'

'I had said thousand times. Don't call me "sama"!' I blushed a bit.

'Sorry, my princess, I couldn't help it.' He said and planted a soft kiss on my cheek.

'Do this, when you are alone!' Kiba said loudly.

'What's the matter cousin?' Akira turned to him, smirkling.

'Cousin?' I stood confused. 'You two are relatives?'

'Kinda yeah.' Kiba started. 'I wanted to tell you, but I believed that you already knew it.' When he noticed my confused expression, he continued. 'When you came to visit Ashi! You were stinking form his wolf scent, so I could tell, that he was with you and he had came back.'

'Oh, I see.' I said.

'You have a problem with my scent Kiba?!' Akira moved towards him.

'No, nothing like that. I just...' He recessed back, but he couldn't finish his sentence, because Akira hugged him. Kiba seemed shocked. 'Stop it coz! You are placing your scent on me!'

'That is my goal doggy!' Akira smirked. 'Better think next time before you criticise me.' He turned to me. 'Can we go Ichigo?'

'Sure!' I nodded and looked back at Shika with begging puppy eyes.

'Go sis, I will tell mother and father, that you will be late.' He said, rolling his eyes.

'Thanks bro, you are the best!' I dashed at him and hugged him, then I went back to Akira.


We were sitting on my rock in the forest, gazing into space.

'Everything is so different. I can barely believe, that you are with me and also, that my family forgived me for running away too.' I spoke up after a long time of silence.

'Yeah, it's truely like a dream.' He said and laid down. I poked him playfuly, but due to the rock's slippery surface, he lost his balance and slipped into the water. Before he fell, he grabbed my hand and pulled me down with him.

When we swam up from underwater he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. He pressed his warm lips to mine in a passionate kiss.

With him by my side, I knew, that nothing wrong can happen to me anymore.


That's the last chapter of this fanfic guys, hope you liked it! :)

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