Chapter 14 - Protect Kazuki

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We couldn't run away from our chasers so we had to face them. The 6 of them were all attacking at the same time.

Hayama-sensei used wind style jutsus and his vacum sword. Hiroto was fighting with one of them, while Ashi and Shiromaru were dealing with another enemy. I had to stay back and guard Kazuki.

We were fighting for almost an hour when Hayama-sensei took out one of them, but another nin targeted Kazuki. I had to act immediately.

'Shadow trap jutsu!' I did it just in time, because the man I captured had almost stabbed Kazuki.

'Ichi-chan! Behind you!' I heared him screaming.

I wanted to turn back quickly, but holding my jutsu wasn't easy, because I had a strong enemy. Holding it was my only option if I wanted to carry through the mission. These thoughts flashed trough my brain in an instant.

'Rahhh!' I heard someone roaring than clashing of blades.

'Relase your jutsu Ichi-chan!' I heared Kazuki's voice behind me. Behind? Why and how did he went behind me?

I relased the shadow jutsu and finished my opponent with surikens. It was easy because he still couldn't move. I figured it out during my trainings that after being in a shadow trap you can't perform fast actions immediately.

When I was done I turned back. I was shocked. Kazuki held up his blades like a cross to prevent a the enemy killing me from behind.

'Go away Kazuki! I will handle this!' I said to him. It was a weird situation to be saved by a blind boy who should have been protected by me.

I took out my blade and joined their swordsplay. My goal was to take away Kazuki to somewhere safe, but I had to finish this man first.

I had to admit that he wasn't an easy opponent, but I managed to finish him. During our fight my blade broke and I got injured too, but I didn't care. When all our enemies were finished I ran to Kazuki.

'Kazuki! Are you all right?'

'Yes Ichi-chan. Thank you for saving me.' He smiled at me.

'I should be the one to thank you. If you hadn't block the attack at my back I would have been dead by now.'

'Nice work guys! You three finished 5 enemy ninjas and protected Kazuki too.' Hayama-sensei said to us. This was considered as a compliment from him.

I looked around. Ashi was sitting next to a tree with Shiromaru, totally exhausted. Hiroto collapsed, breathing heavily. Sensei was injured on his back.

These were the injuries, but our fight had made a big destruction too. Branches or sometimes full trees were laying everywhere on the ground. There were weapons and 6 corpses too.

'Ichi-chan...' Kazuki whispered, trying to say something then collapsed. I didn't know why, but he blacked out. I wanted to lift him up from the dirty ground, but I felt such pain in my left hand, that I almost screamed.

Living in the shadows (Shikamaru's sister story * Naruto fan fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz