Chapter 48 - Helplessness

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I was running throught the forest, doesn't caring about the fact that the night has arrived.

When it felt like I'm far enough from everything, I stopped and let out a scream. My voice was sharp and filled with emotions. Then the dead silence. I collapsed.

Why am I so hopeless? Why can't I do anything to prevent the fight between my brother and my love?

I grabbed some surikens from my pouch and trew them all around myself. The weapons pierced throught the trees I hit, but I didn't cared.

I kept trowing. By the time I ran out of kunais, shurikens and trowing blades, I was totally exhausted, but the flow of my feelings couldn't be stopped.

I had to accept the fact that the duel will surely happen tomorrow, even if it hurts. I was laying on the ground surronded by these dark toughts, when a plan started to take form in my mind.


The dry leaves were cracking under my feet as I walked on the streets of Konoha in the morning. The villagers were not really interested in the autum weather, more likely in me. I was the "Nara girl, who returned after two years". How much I didn't needed this!

People looked at me as I walked past them to the Inuzuka residence. I knocked on the door. The one who answered it was Kiba.

'Hello Kiba! I came here to see...' He didn't let me finish, because he started shouting.

'Ashi! Ichigo came to see you!' He turned back to me. 'Oh yeah, and welcome back girl!' He tapped my shoulder as I stepped throught the door.

'Thank you Kiba!' I smiled at him, than I headed towards Ashi's room. During we were part of Squad 3, I visited her many times so I knew where to search for her. I was just about to open the door, when it opened in front of me.

'Ichi-chan! I missed you so much!' Ashi jumped at me. From her dash, I fell to the ground.

'I missed you too Ashi, but please let me breath!'

'Opps! Sorry, I'm just too happy that you came back!' She hugged me again, this time not as hard as before.

We stood up, that I could look at her from head to toe. She looked like she was before, wearing the same styled tracksuit as before, but she picked up some feminine features. Damn it! I looked really flat-chested compared to her.

'And where is Shiromaru?'

'He is lazy as usual. Come in!' We entered the room. On the corner there were a thing which looked like a huge bind of brown clothes, but it moved as I came in.

It was Shiromaru! The dog raised up his head and walked to me. As I could see, he became even more robust that he was before.

'Hello boy! Long time no see!' I made a long arm towards him. He sniffed it, than barked one.

'What do you say Shiramaru? An infamiliar scent is mixed with hers?' Ashi turned to me with a questioning look and came closer.

Oh God! Don't tell me, that Akira's scent is still on me! How will I explain this?

'You're right Shiromaru, this is an infamiliar scent of a... wolf!'

'Yes, I know, but he is a friend, so there's nothing to worry about!' I said with a nervous smile.

'What kind of buisness do you have with a wolf? I can sense from the scent marks, that you let it pretty close to you.'

'I don't let "it", I let "him" close to me!'

'That's no difference!' Ashi said. I blushed. That will be hard to explain! Ashi sat down to the tatami just as did I.

'So that's it!' I took a deep breath. 'He is my boyfriend, the Demon Wolf of Light.' I said with one blow.

'What?' Ashi seemed to be shocked. 'You have a boyfriend? And on top of that he is a demon wolf?'

I explained everything to her about Akira and I also figured out, that she is dating Hiroto. We spoke until 11 o'clock, when I had to go home before the fight of Shikamaru and Akira.

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