Chapter 36 - Freeing

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'You're awake, huh?' I heared a female voice when I woke up.

'Who are you? What are you doing here?' I was shocked.

In front of me there was a young woman. She had long brown hair, tied up in a ponytail and purple eyes. She seemed to be a ninja, because she had two katanas on her back.

'Sorry. I'm Ryoko Kassumii. I have a favour to ask you Ichigo Nara.' She said and lent me a wooden plate with fried eggs on it. 'Come and eat it! You seems like you haven't eaten in a while.'

'What do you want from me? And how do you know who I am?' I sat confused, but I took the plate from her.

She was true, I haven't eaten since yesturday morning, so I was greatful to her for making me food.

'I know who you are, because as I said, I need you to do something for me.' She said and left me. She didn't even waited for me to reply.

I was eating my breakfast, when Hanku woke up.

'Morning, you giant sleepy kitty!' I smiled at her.

'I told you not to call me names Ichigo! It really pisses me off!' She muttered, than noticed the plate on my lap. 'How did you get food?'

'Let's say, that the dweller of this cave had come back.' I said without any interest in my voice.

'What? And this person made you breakfast?' She seemed confused.

'Just as you said. She made me food, because she wants me to do something for her.'

'She wants you to do her a favor? What does she wants?'

'I don't know. She didn't told me yet.' I said as I finished the eggs.


'What? This place was like a huge trap a while before!' I said in amazement.

The place where I found the strings on the ground was now different. The strings were gone and the small field's soil was freshly burried back.

'This is what we are looking for? There's nothing here!' I turned to Ryoko, who was given a permission from me to enter the forest today.

'He is burried, remember?' She said on an annoyed voice. 'Let's get to work!'

We started digging where the ground was reburried. Althought the soil was fresh, it was really a hard work to do.

'I'm totally out!' I whimpered when we had dug a lot. 'I can't continue this! This is such a hard work to do!'

'Don't complain! I gave you plenty of food to help you survive in the forest. Otherwise, don't you want to make your family realise, that you are different from your brother?'

'That's right!' I took my head up. 'I don't want to live like I did before.' I said and kept digging, until the deer, that had greeted me before came to me.

He looked straight to my eye. He "spoke" to me this way. He said, that my brother had entered the forest. When the deer left, I turned to Ryoko.

'I think I should go and divert my brother a little bit. Good luck Ryoko!' I waved goodbye to her, than beckoned to Hanku.


'I know you are there, Ichigo!'

Shikamaru was laying on a grassy field, looking up to the sky. Cloudwatching again!

'Drop the cool attitude bro!' I was anoyed by his always calm and never caring behavior.

'Why are you here sis? Or should I ask why did you left us? Come back to Konoha!'

'Mind your own business Shikamaru! I'm no longer a silly, little Konoha ninja, who can be ordered around by others!' I shouted at him.

'You are even more troublesome than a woman!' He sighed.

'I'm a woman, you moron! Otherwise I don't care about your opinion.'

'Is that so?' He smirked. 'If that's the case, why are you still here?'

'Who said, that I'm here?' After this, I relased my Kage Bushin jutsu and dissappeared from Shikamaru's eyes.


Alright guys! That was a much longer chapter than before. Hope you liked it!

Otherwise, Ryoko Kasumii is not my character! She is the OC of my friend, Monorish.

If you are curious, check out her fanfic, which tells you what happens to Ryoko after digging out Hidan!

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