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We are our way home and I try not to talk but my mom keeps asking me questions.

"What was Ruby's favorite color?" She is really excited to talk about it because I never really had friends for me and her to talk about. Even though Ruby is me, she is really excited.

"It's the color ruby, mom." 

Oh, that's cool, what color hair did she have, oh wait never mind, she doesn't have hair." She and I giggle at her mistake, but she seemed to laugh a little more happier than I did.

"Hey, Mom, could you not tell Dad?" I say kind of ruining the nice moment we were having.

"Honey, you know I have to. He knows you went to the doctors today. What am I supposed to say?"

"I don't know. Anything but that."

"Tyyyy, I have to tell the whole family. I will make sure that he doesn't hurt you, but I can't stop his words. I hope your siblings will be nice about it, though. They seem to notice that you have an issue."

"Fine, mom. Just make sure he doesn't hurt me please."

"Of course, Ty. But why don't you give him a name, saying 'him' is gonna get annoying."

"I'll try to make up one, but it's not gonna be normal. I try to make one up before dinner."

She looks over to me and smiles. "Thanks, Ty. For trying, I really appreciate it. But now you have to make actual friends, please. Your Dad might be nicer if you at least have one friend."

"I will try. No one really likes me at school. They call me a freak."

"Don't worry, there has to be nice people somewhere." She says as we drive into the Garage.

"Hey, Tyler, Why did Ruby and that other girl leave?" She says as she puts the car in parking and takes her hands off the wheel.

"Well, mom, that's what they do. They don't stay forever. I change and they change." I try to get her to understand as I unbuckle my seat belt.

"Oh. That's weird. Do you ever want them to come back?" That word. 'Weird' I hate it. She probably thinks I'm a freak too, just like those jackasses at school.

"Sometimes, because he isn't helpful, unlike Ruby. She always helped me with school and bullies."

"She seems really nice. Well let's go inside and get ready for dinner." We both get out of the car and go inside. She puts her purse down and goes into the kitchen to start dinner.

"Hey, mom, what are we having for dinner?" Please something I will eat. Not meatloaf. Please.

"I'm making spaghetti." Hope Dad doesn't ruin our whole dinner, like usual. We always get yelled at, then end up sitting the rest of dinner in silence.

"Thanks, also when is Dad coming home?"

"5 o'clock, its 4 right now. We are eating at 5:30." She goes back to making dinner.

I walk upstairs and see that my younger sister, Madison is sitting on bed. She's the only nice one in my group of siblings.. She is looking at my decorations on my walls.

"Hey, Maddie." I guess I scared her because she twitched and she got up, looking guilty.

"Hey, Ty." She says quietly looking at me.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Just exploring, I realized that I was never really in your room before. Sorry if I intruded."

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