Chapter 46: Decision

Start from the beginning

"Do you think I should say goodbye to him. I'm breaking his rules by leaving without telling him" I asked.

"No he will probably ignore you. Just go that dick will realized he can't live without you and go see you" he said and I began crying.

"I wish all this was nothing but a nightmare" I said crying into his chest.

"It will be over soon just be strong" he said then pulled away.

"Don't forget tomorrow after school we are going for a picnic" I said wiping my tears.

"Sweetie we have to go it's getting dark" Julie said entering the car.

"Coming" I screamed then everyone came in for a group hug.

I waved one last time and ran to the car. Before getting in,I brought my gaze up to Antonio's window. The glass was a one way mirror but I was almost sure I sensed Antonio staring at me.

I decided if was best if i accept my parent's offer and just spend time with them. It was me refusing to accept them that caused everything maybe, just maybe I could set everything right.

I stared at the house for a while then got in the car. Moments later we were driving out of the gate. I could still see the guys waving at me. It was hard leaving that house and my family but I had to be strong and it was just for a while.

"I'm so glad you accept our offer" Arnold said as he drove to I don't know where.

"It wasn't your fault we were separated for so many years,I was just being foolish when I declined" I said trying to smile.

"You won't regret your decision pumpkin" Julie said.

"I really hope not" I murmured to myself.

The entire ride, they just asked questions trying to get to know me. You know my likes and dislikes,I answered them and also asked them since I would be staying at their house for a while.

When we got there I stared at the house for a while. It wasn't a mansion,it was just a small normal cozy looking house. Even the outside screamed home.

When we got in, I was too tired for a tour so we just sat in the living room and talked. But they did show me my room. It was small compared to my room back at Antonio's but it was nice I liked it.

"I know the house isn't as you expected. You're used to living in a mansion by Now" Julie said and I shock my head.

"Oh no Julie, I really like your house a lot, it's cozy" I said and they stared for a while.

"We won't force you to refer to us as your mom and dad. I know this is still shocking for you"Arnold said and I gave him a smile.

"Sorry for bringing this up but your friends told me you broke up with your boyfriend" Julie blurted and I stood up.

"I'm feeling sleepy, I will go to my room" I said then ran out of the room before I broke down in front of them.

As soon as I reached the room I broke down in tears. I was holding so much in that I just wanted to let it out. I couldn't handle it anymore, I just cried and cried.

"Isabel I'm sorry if I upset you" Julie said as she ran to me and tried comforting me.

"There is this burning feeling in my chest and I can't seem to get rid of it" I said then laid my head on her laps.

"It's called heartbreak. I'm sorry you have to experience this at this age" she said running a hand in my hair.

"I don't know what happened, I feel defeated. Antonio and I have been through a lot, I gave my Heart to him how could I just forget him" I asked as I began crying again.

"I don't know what happened between you two but just know if you need a shoulder to cry on,I'm available" she said and I sat up.

"Thank you because I can't handle this all alone" I said then she hugged me and I just broke down.

"Let it out sweetheart" she said and that's just what I did.

"I can't do this without him. I can't handle this feeling anymore, I just want to get rid of it" I said sobbing even loudly.

"Tomorrow is a new day honey. Anything could happen, don't lose you courage because you have to keep fighting" she said and I could feel she was also crying.

"For how long, I was able to take on the world when I had him with me but now he doesn't even want to look at me"

"Oh baby. Time is the best healer,just give it sometime and everything will be alright again"

"You are right. It's just a matter of time. Antonio never gave up on me and I sure as hell won't give up till he forgives me"

I was determined to get him back at any cost and I knew just what I had to do,to make sure the both of us reunite.


Hey everyone!!!!

Another update, don't forget to comment, vote and or share.

If you have any ideas as to what should happen next don't hesitate to send me a message


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