"Gonna help me?" Jimin asked and Hoseok raised his mug full of coffee. Hoseok nodded and Jimin slowly started to take everything out of the bags. Hoseok couldn't help but admire Jimins features. Jimin used to be actually really masculine but now he is very thin. He did have muscles but in Hoseok's eyes when he would hug him he would be afraid that he'll break him. Jimin was always so graceful and easy to talk to. He may be odd at first but he is a genuine person.

"I have a question." Hoseok suddenly heard Jimin.

"Okay," Hoseok replied waiting for the question. Jimin took a deep breath and bit his lip nervously.

"Do you think that Cyra will get us killed if we say no?" Hoseok was looking at Jimin with his mouth open. He didn't actually think about that. But now he understood why Namjoon was so worried. Hoseok slowly put his mug down and walked to the table and looked into Jimin's eyes.

"I don't think she will," Hoseok said convincing himself. Slowly Hoseok started to take things from the bags.

"Let's make our food," Hoseok said avoiding Jimin's eyes. Jimin knew that Hoseok was afraid too, everyone was. But if he thinks harder this is actually the first time they are afraid. That in a way gave Jimin comfort, it means he didn't become numb, he is still a human. Hoseok only wanted to make food to distract himself from the ugly thoughts in his head. He hated negativity, especially when he couldn't find positivity in it.

"I guess not a good morning at all.." Jimin mumbled preparing himself for the cooking.


"You know, I was expecting more something scary, out-of-the-way, weird and godforsaken, but damn this is actually nice," Hoseok said getting out of the car in which were also Jin and Suga. In the other car were Namjoon, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin. 

"The godforsaken part is true actually. "Suga commented stretching. Jin only came out of his car closing it with a loud thud leaning on the door and looking at the cottage. 

Jimin and Tae also got out of the second car joining them. Namjoon was still sitting in his car glaring at the cottage. He was feeling nervous once again, he didn't understand why because he never usually gets like this. Jungkook was sitting in the passenger seat looking at Namjoon's knuckles that were turning white how hard he was holding the wheel.

"Hyung, relax," Jungkook said fixing his white buttoned-up shirt. "We've got this. Come on." Jungkook comforted  Namjoon with a smile getting out of the car. Namjoon looking at his team all standing there in front of the cottage knew that what happens in that cottage no one can control. But they were a team, so he knew they will be fine. Getting out of his car Namjoon walked up to his members looking at the cottage.

"Gonna be honest here." Taehyung said with a little smile as he kept admiring the cottage ."I think that everything will be fine."

"You think that because of a cottage Tae?" Jungkook asked looking at one of his closest friends. Taehyung just nodded what made Jungkook shake his head. "Don't judge the book by its cover, remember that?" Jungkook said putting his gloves on and checking his gun in the back of his trousers. Taehyung just mumbled something under his breath. The cottage was not old, it was new. It looked like a cottage that people use very often. Around it was clean, there was even a little garden. It was above the ground, with long stairs to go on a balcony. Jungkook kind of had a weird feeling about it. There was only a small light hanging above the door and in the cottage was no light. It didn't look expensive, so inside could be anything.

"Let's go," Namjoon said passing by all of them and slowly walked up the stairs. While he was walking he was looking where he was steeping. As he saw the cottage was made of fine wood, it certainly did look nice. Then he spotted a car but his attention was stolen by a growl he heard in front of himself. There was a dog, more likely a wolf standing in front of them. They didn't see the wolf when they were on the ground.

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