Adeline flared her nostrils. "You pushed me off a boat! You didn't dive in after me even though you knew I couldn't swim, and then, for three years, you just let people believe I had just run away. None of owned up to your own goddamn actions!" She cocked her gun. "Jacob, was the only one that cared. So, together, we plotted our revenge against you all for disowning us."

Agh. I couldn't take it anymore. The question was burning me from the inside out. "Why did you make me come here?" I blurted out.

Adeline spun around towards me. But with her, came the barrel pointed right in my direction. "You?" She said. "You stole my man, the love of my life! You're just as guilty as the rest of them."

"For Gods sake we didn't even sleep together, Adeline," Blake snapped angrily.

The group went silent at this admission, but he wasn't finished. He was furious, and only got more mad the longer the gun was pointed at us. "I groped you one time, and suddenly you acted like I had professed my love for you. Let it go!"

Adeline's upper lip curled into an ugly snarl. "For three years, I dreamed about when we would be reunited tonight but that's what you have to say? That I lied?"

"Because you did!"

"No!" She shouted. "I did not!"

Time slowed. And for a single moment, I diverted my eyes away from the gun and to the girl clutching it with all her dear life.

And what I didn't see was a wild look in her eyes that said that deep down she was an innocent girl caught in a confusing and terrifying situation. This girl was certifiably, legally insane, and she ever since she had survived the fall, she had decided well in advance that senior year Homecoming was when she would get her revenge. She was unstable.

The odds of being friends with a girl like this were extremely low. But, she was proof that they existed, even if they didn't know that this part of them lived inside of them. All it took to reveal it was one event that changed their whole life, and suddenly they were the devils spawn who believed misery should be equal and shared.

She was deranged. And, tonight, she was going to follow through with a crazy and demented plan three years in the making. She was going to kill us.

All for being pushed off of a boat railing that she had gotten on in the first place.

"Blake, we need to get the gun away from her," I mumbled fearfully. "If not, she will use it. And I can't promise that anyone us will live much longer if she does."

Blake nodded in understanding, and opened his mouth to speak to her, but then there was a thump on the deck.

My head snapped up to the disturbance. And it was like seeing double over again. It was like looking at the ghost of Blake.

"Jacob," Blake whispered. "No. It can't be."

Jacob did not acknowledge his brother. He walked up behind Adeline and brandished a carving knife that had been skillfully tucked in his belt.

Adeline laid her hand on the young boy's thigh. "I'm going to give you to the count of twelve. One second here for every second that passed that J thought one of you would jump in and save me," she snarled.

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