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Y/n's POV:
Drunken teenagers, alcohol, colorful lights flashing through the room and the loud beat of the music pulsating through my body.

My hips have been moving to the rhythm for almost an hour now, making me almost forgot why I am actually here. Shawn, my ex, is back from tour and his friend Brian told me that he is gonna be come to this party tonight.

Brian has hopes that we will get back together. Ha... funny. I wasn't the one who ended things. Who left the other after all these sweet promises and loving words.

I knew that I should have never listen to what he said. In the end, he's like every other celebrity. A stuck up player who is well aware of the fact that he can have every model he wants. Why date an average college girl then, right?
"Y/n, please. Don't make it harder than it already is." Shawn sighs and I stare at him in disbelief. His hair a mess from running his fingers through it too much, bags under his caramel eyes from a lack of sleep ut his look is emotionless and his face blank. Like I'm a burden he is getting rid of now. "Shawn, did I do something? I thought we were happy." I croak out, tears trickling down my cheeks but I didn't put in effort to hide it. He knows damn well that he is breaking me with that. He just doesn't seem to care. "I told you that this isn't about you or me. It's about the situation we are both in. I'll be on tour and you will attend your dream college. There's just no time for a relationship." Shawn states and starts to stand up but I hold onto his arm. "Don't tell me there's no time. We can make time. We are able to FaceTime, text, call and when I don't have so much to do, I can visit you. I love you and you love me, right me? We can work it out." I plead, hoping I would get a reaction out of him but he keeps his ice cold act up. Shoving my hands off him, he shakes his head. "Trust me. We can't." Is all he responds before he heads towards the door. "Shawn! Please, wait." I sob, following behind. "You are breaking my heart." I whisper as he stops in his tracks to look at me. "I'm sorry. I really am but it's over." He replies. I've never seen him so cold. This is not the Shawn who would do everything to make me smile. It almost scares me to see him like that. "Why? Why can't we try it?" I ask, gathering my last bit of hope to see the tiniest emotion in him but I'm only left disappointed as soon as thosewords leave his lips. "I don't love you enough to try."
Anger floods through my veins as I recall the day he left me, like I was nothing to him. All the nights I've spent crying over this stupid boy.... He saw me so weak. I'm here to show him that I don't need him anymore.

Maybe then I can finally get over my hate for him and leave this chapter of my life behind. "I think your plan works, sweetie. He hasn't taken his eyes off you the whole time." My friend Mia grins as she hands me my third... or maybe fourth shot.

"This dress looks unbelievably hot on you. Make him regret is decision." She whispers into my ear and I chuckle, before downing the bitter liquid with her.

"I definitely will." I mumble to myself while glancing over to him and the group of boys he's here with. They all laugh and seem to have fun but Shawn just stares into my direction, like Mia said. Maybe he's watching some other girl but it feels like his orbs follow every single one of my movements.

Oh Mendes, I'll make you want me tonight and then leave you like you never meant anything to me. Biting my lower lip, I make eye contact with one of his friends. Tall, blonde, muscular and pretty hot.

Smirking, I motion him to come over with my forefinger, catching him by surprise. With wide eyes he points at himself like he is asking wether I mean him or someone else.

Chuckling, I nod and he immediately makes his way over to me. I almost feel bad for playing with him. Just almost. The sight of Shawn sending him a death glare is just too satisfying. Like what is his problem? He left me, not the other way round.

Shawn MTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang