Forgive me

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Y/n's POV:
Trying to hold my tears back I bite my lower lip, throwing the most essential stuff in my bag. Clothes, her favourite stuffed animal, her blanket... what else do I need? I look at the clock to see how much time I have left. It's half past 10 pm. He will be home any minute. Shit. I have to get her out of here.

I quickly grab my jacket and phone, hurrying into her light pink room. „Sweetie, just sleep okey? Mommy and you are going on a little trip." I whisper, taking the almost six months old into my arms. Fortunately she can't understand what's going on. I wipe the new forming tears away, wrapping her in a warm fluffy blanket.

"I promise everything will be fine." I whisper, kissing her brown haired head. I grab the bag and was about to go downstairs as I hear the door click open. No no no. This can't be. „Y/n. I'm home!" I hear him shout. Shivers run down my spine at the sound of his voice. I never thought I would have to be afraid of him but as it seems persons can change for the worse. „Babe we need to talk! Come here." he shouts, again.

I carefully place Willow on my bed, before walking downstairs. „Yes?" I ask, as I enter the living room. There he is, sitting with a bottle of beer in his right hand on the couch. Like always when he comes home drunk. „Can you tell me who Max is?" he ask, taking a sip. Trust me, it's bad when he is so calm. „He works with me why?" I question. „Come here." Biting the inner side of my cheek I slowly walk nearer. „Yeah?" „I don't like it when you lie to me." he whispers, grabbing my hand.

"Why would he call you when you are just working together huh?" I say nothing, keeping my head low. He wouldn't believe me anyways, he never does. „I knew it." he grumbles, angrily. Before I could react I feel a burning sting on my left cheek, causing me to gasp. It's not the first time. „Show me your phone now or you know what's gonna happen." he growls. „I-It's upstairs. I'll go a-and get it." I stutter, quickly running towards our bedroom.

I take Willow, careful not to wake her up and grab our stuff silently rushing downstairs. My heart beats rapidly as I reach the door.
Trying not to make any noise I open it, running onto the street. I can't believe it. A wave of relief washes over me as I breath in the cool night air.

He didn't notice that I'm gone but he will soon and if that happens, I don't even want to know what happens then. Tears start to well up in my eyes, as I sit on a bench in the nearest park. He wasn't alway like that. Before Willow was born he was the so sweet and caring but now... he is a monster. I forgave him too many times, scared that he would hurt her. I should have left sooner but I finally did it.

What now? Since I just recently moved here with him, I left my friends and family behind. I don't really know anyone. Besides... my ex. Shawn. He is the only I know one who lives here in Toronto... at least I think he still does. „Shh please don't cry. It's o-okey." I mumble, rocking her back and forth. She can't sleep outside in a freezing winter night but can I really go to him?

After all I was the one who broke up with him. I have no choice. I can at least try it. Maybe he understands. Silently I walk down the street towards where he was living two years ago. I wonder if he's still here. I haven't seen him since our break up. Memories keep flooding back as I walk up the familiar porch.
Good but also bad ones.

"Keep yourself together." I mumble, wiping the sill streaming tears away. Inhaling deeply, I knock onto the white wooden door. No one answers. Maybe he is sleeping? I reach up to the bell, ringing it once. A nervous feeling overcomes me and I was about to walk away as the lights in the hallway shut on. I hear footsteps, making my heart beat faster. I don't think this was a good idea. Should I go?

Too late. The door opens revealing a sleepy looking Shawn. He stand there in his grey joggers and a black T-shirt, rubbing a hand over his face before he looks at me. My breath hitches and my chest tightens. His eyebrows furrow in confusion before his eyes widen. „Y/n?" he asks, quietly. I just stand there, not knowing what to say.

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