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Y/n's POV:
Wrapping my blanket tighter around me, I hide half of my face behind it. I shrug as a jump scare appears on the lit up TV screen in front of me.

Maybe watching a horror movie completely alone, when no one is in the house was a bad idea... I thought it would be fun to get a little scared but now I'm more scared than I thought. This movie is frightening.

My breath hitches as suddenly the lights shut off, a loud thunder audible outside. Awesome. „Oh come on Y/n. It's just a power failure due the storm. I just have to go into the basement...." I mumble to myself, having my eyes shut tight closely.

That's literally how every bad horror movie  starts. Another lightening strikes into the ground, making me whimper quietly. Why do I always come up with so stupid ideas like this? I know exactly how afraid I can be.

Blindly, I move my hands over the couch to find my phone. A sigh of relief escapes my lips as the phone screen lights up. Should I call Shawn? He's the only one living near to me. What if he gets annoyed? Who cares, he's a good friend of mine and I annoy him all the time.

I click onto his contact before pressing the phone to my ear, biting my nails as I seem to hear sounds in the house. After a few rings he finally picks up. „Y/n?" he asks, his voice raspy and tired. Ups. I guess I woke him up... „H-Hey Shawn." I whisper, my voice shaking as I hear something cracking.

Please let it just be my imagination. „What's wrong? Everything okey?" Shawn questions, sounding fully awake now. Aww. „Uh... actually yeah but I watched a horror movie and nobody is home..."

"And now you are calling me at 3 pm because you are scared? You know that I have a flight tomorrow morning, right?" Shawn asks. Oh yeah I forgot... „Yeah... sorry for waking you up. I forgot." I mumble, feeling my cheeks heat up. He must think that I'm such a baby.

"Do you want me to come over?" he questions and I could hear him shuffling. „Uh... no no. You don't have to. It's f-fine." I stutter, another loud bang becoming audible. „I'm there in 5 minutes." Shawn says softly before he hangs up, giving me no chance to say something.

If he insists... I don't mind at all. I pull the blanket over my head, waiting for the bell to ring. I hope he is fast... Biting my lip, I make my way into the kitchen and after bumping into several pieces of furniture I manage to find the drawer with the flashlight.

Just as I turn it on, the bell rings, giving me almost a heart attack. Relax. That has to be Shawn. Right? I tip toe into the hallway towards the door, peeking through the tiny hole to see Shawn's chest because he is too tall for me to see his head but I know it's him.

I open the door, immediately pulling him inside and wrapping my arms around his torso. „Hello to you too." Shawn chuckles, shutting the door with his foot, while rubbing my back.

I breath in his scent, the tense feeling washing away. „I love your hugs." I mumble, causing him to let out a chuckle again. „Come on. I'm tired." he says, locking the door before taking my hand. „Bedroom or couch?" „More people die in the bedroom." I say.

Shawn shakes his head amused and leads me into the living room. „Uhmm Shawn?"
„Hm?" „The electricity can be turned on in the basement..." I murmur, as we sit on the edge of the couch. „Seriously? You live here, Y/n." Shawn states.

I say nothing, playing with the hem of my oversized shirt, which I might have stolen from Shawn... but pshh. „Fine. You baby" Shawn sighs, standing up but I grab his arm.

"Wait. You really want to leave me alone here? That's one of the stupidest things people do in horror movies." I say, scoffing.

"Oh my god Y/n." „It's true." I protest, crossing my arms. „Then you'll just come with me." Shawn replies, quickly throwing me over his shoulder.

"Shawn." I laugh, holding onto his back. „Shh.. the monsters are gonna hear us." he whispers, causing me to giggle. He carries me down the stairs and turns the electricity back on. Finally.

"Hey is that my shirt?" Shawn questions, eyeing me up and down. My cheeks flush as I remember that I only have his shirt and my underwear on. That's embarrassing... just play it off. „No?" I question, acting stupid as I rush upstairs.

"Yes it is! I was looking for it today!" Shawn calls after me as he tries to catch me. „Oh come on, I bet you have hundredths of white shirts." I laugh as he wraps his arms around me from behind.

„Hmm... what if I want that one?" Shawn asks leaning closely to my ear. I turn around, resting my hands on his chest so I could tip toe up to his ear. „Then come and get it." I whisper, watching as his face turns red.

I laugh, heading into the livingroom while he is still standing in the hallway. „I made Shawn Mendes blush!" I cheer, plopping onto the couch. „Oh shut up." he mutters, leaning against the door with crossed arms.

I grin, sticking my tounge out at him. Shawn only rolls his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips. "Alright, I guess I can go now." he adds, starting to turn around. „What? No." I say, making him stop.

Um... why did I say that? He only slept over once and that was with our other friends also here. But I don't want him to go. „Stay?" I ask, patting the spot next to me. I could see how he tries to hide a smile but fails miserably, causing me to smile too.

"Fine." He replies, making his way over to me before slipping under the covers. I pull the blanket up to my chin, after turning the lights off. This time feeling way more save with Shawn here besides me.

For a while I admire his, by the moonlight lit up, features. It looks so adorable when his hair is messed up like that, which really makes me want to run my fingers trough it.

"Shawn?" „Hm?" he murmurs, tiredly. „Can I have a hug?" „Come here." he mumbles, pulling me closer to him. I place my arm around his hip loosely as his one wraps around mine, our legs tangled together. I smile, burying my head into his warm chest.

I could feel Shawn's hand on my bare thigh, his thumb rubbing my skin softly. Why is he doing that? He probably doesn't even notice because he is half asleep. It feels good though.

"Shawn?" "Y/n?" We ask in unison, causing me to chuckle. "You first." Shawn says, looking at me. I look up too meeting his hazel orbs. "Thanks for being such a good friend. You are always so sweet to me." I whisper, smiling lightly as I push the curls away from his forehead.

A sigh leaves his lips, causing me to frown confusedly. Did I say something wrong? "We are only friends because you friend zoned me." Shawn mumbles quietly but I heard it.

My eyes widen. Wait. Shawn likes me? What? I never saw us being more than friends because I thought he would never go for someone like me. "What?" I question, quietly. Shawn opens his eyes again, quickly flipping us over so he's on top of me.

I gulp, staring into his mesmerizing eyes. "You heard me." Shawn whispers. His face so close to mine that our noses are almost touching, his breath hitting my lips. "Slap me if you don't want me to do that because I'm sick of waiting." He says and before I could ask what he means I feel his soft lips on mine.

I blink a few times till I realize what's happening. What do I do now? Oh my god,  what about kissing back Y/n. After I finally recovered from my shock a few moments later, I slowly close my eyes, eventually relaxing into the kiss.

As Shawn notices, he starts to smile while traveling his warm fingertips up the side of my thigh. Butterflies erupt in my stomach as he reaches my side, tracing patterns on my skin gently.

He pecks my lips once more before deepening the kiss, his tongue grazing my lower lip. After a few more seconds we pull back for air. His forehead resting against mine.

"I take it as a good sign that you didn't slap me." Shawn says, causing me to giggle. I smile, cupping his cheeks in my hands before reconnecting our lips again. I guess I like you too Mendes.

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