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Civitas Orbis Terrarum

The world in the middle

The Realm between Heaven and Hell

Alibel watched as Knowledge  jumped on the back of the demon and  knocked it down nimbly by slicing the demon's throat with her clay-more. That woman was a deadly fighter!
Feeling that Secret was out of danger with Knowledge's intervention, Alibel rushed towards Death who seemed to be facing a lot of difficulty in fighting Hate. Alibel didn't know in which ways she could help Death so she stood there and watched. Alibel knew nothing about sword fighting but it was obvious that Death was hesitating to give Hate the killing blow and Alibel wondered why.

And that's when Hate kicked Death in the belly and he went flying and crashed through rotten trees. Hate didn't hesitate any second before he went against Death to give him the killing blow. Hate raised the sword high in the air threatening to end Death's life by stabbing him. Alibel yelled at the top of her voice "Death!!!NOOoooo!"

And Hate stiffened just in front of Death and looked at Alibel. Alibel looked back at him. Then dark and red flames appeared in Hate's free hand as he summoned his power. The flame ball was thrown directly at Alibel who watched frozen as the ball came at her. Now it was Death's turn to howl as he pushed Hate down. Meanwhile Alibel was thrown downward by Knowledge who came to rescue her. Secret meanwhile captured the dark flames in his hand and twirled it round and round while blue flames escaped through his palms. The dark flames turned blue and freezed in his hands, before it exploded into a cascade of blueish ice chips.

Meanwhile Death was struggling with Hate on the ground each one rolling over the other. Finally they punched each other at the same time and stepped back away from each other from the impact, Hate's cloak fell off.

 And to Alibel's surprise, Hate was a woman! Why was Hate a woman! Why didn't Death, Knowledge or Secret ever mentioned the fact that he, she, well Hate, was a woman! Alibel agape, had a close look at the woman who was her enemy by circumstances, not by choice.

Her face was pale, porcelain-like, and blood was streaming down her plump rosy lips where Death hit her. Her eyes was a fiery mixed of blue and purple and she had dark short jet black hair with . Snow white. That's how she would have looked like without the hatred and wickedness in her eyes that betrayed her true nature.

Hate caught Alibel looking at her and she directed her fiery gaze towards her. Alibel felt the evil pressure of her hatred towards her. Hate smiled wickedly, still glaring at her while she wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

"You have the honor of contemplating your enemy, human", she said bitterly to Alibel.

"Don't you dare speak to her!" growled Death.

"Oh! And who is going to prevent me from doing so? You? I don't think so", replied Hate, the bitterness in her voice towards Death was tenfold than when she spoke to Alibel. 

"She must truly hate him then", Alibel thought. But the question was why did she loath Death so much, and why does him despised her back?

"You better not harm her Hate,or else..", Death spit back.

"Or else, what? You are in no position to order me around. I will do what i want to do", she replied coldly,"You will experience pain like you never did before, Death.I will make sure of that."

Hate ruffled through her cloak and showed what seemed like a large golden grimoire.

"The Book!", exclaimed Knowledge.

Death rushed at Hate but she backed away. Alibel realised that her Book of Fate was in the hand of the most maleficent person she ever met. She who thought that Death was evil. He had showed her so many terrible things on their multiple missions. But she had been clearly wrong. The evil one was standing meters away front of her, holding Alibel's fate in her cruel hands.

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