Chapter Fourteen: HEAVENLY DREAM

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Death's POV
The day before the end of the fortnight..
Somewhere on a Belgium railway...

Death had released so many souls from the bodies of passengers from the Belgian train accident. There were so many dead bodies and there were so many angels here too. Death did not want to be here. Not because he didn't like angels, even though the angels kept their distance with him. They knew who he was. They knew his past. They knew his story. They knew he was superior to them. And because of that, they tried to avoid him as much as possible. They only collaborated with Death and vice versa, when necessary. But today, he couldn't be in the same place as them. Not because he didn't like them but because their sheer purity reminded him of her.  His Alibel. The light to his own darkness. Even though tomorrow he was finally going to see her, he was feeling reckless. At least, he had been able to confine the most of his emerging emotions. And tomorrow, he was finally going to relish every aspect of her. Her beauty. Her innocence. Her purity. Her soul. Her heart. And her body.
He was looking forward to it.
Finally, he was going to be in the presence of the only person he cared about.
The only one for whom he could risk everything.

What mattered the most, was having her by his side.

She was going to be his and there was no way no one could stop him.

Not even Alibel herself.
Not even Hate.

She belonged to him.
She was his world.
His haven.
His solace. 
She was his.


The next day...
At the Riverbell residence..

Alibel woke up but stayed in bed. It had been two weeks now since she last saw Death. And Alibel had never felt better than this. She had finally tamed her heart to not think about Death. To let go of the hope. To let go of all the illusions. And this had been the best days of her life since then. Not only because she didn't think about Death like before or because she didn't get to see any dead bodies. But because she  had spent a great time with Camelia, Ian, Luke and Zayne. They did some great outings together this week and it had been so nice. To make it more cheerful, Karine and Diane sometimes tagged along too. And it sure made things more joyous. One day Zayne even suggested to go to the amusement park too. Alibel was worried at first that it was going to be too much for Camelia. She thought her frail body wouldn't be able to support that much effort. But Zayne reassured her that it was going to be okay. And indeed, Camelia had been more than happy to go there.  They all had been very caring towards her. And Alibel had realized that it was not enough for Death to heal her body: Camelia's soul and spirit needed to be healed too. The soul and spirit were important. As much as the body was because without a fighting soul and spirit, one could not go on in life. One could not fight without having the desire to live on.  And for all of this, she was grateful to Zayne. It was him who convinced Alibel that Camelia needed to have fun too to heal. Not only medecines and treatment. Maybe he had seen what Alibel hadn't seen for all those years: Camelia's dying soul. Maybe that's why Death wanted to take Camelia's life two months before her real death: because her soul had been as dead as her body. But now seeing how much Camelia smiled, how her eyes lightened up and sparkled, Alibel knew Zayne had been right. She shouldn't keep Camelia in a cotton box. Camelia needed to live her life. Alibel should let her live her life and she needed to do the same too. And Zayne perfectly knew that. That's why in such a short period, he was doing everything in his power to make both Alibel and Camelia experienced waves of happiness.

And yesterday, Zayne had the best surprise for Alibel. He finally decided to invite her for an official date to a highly luxurious restaurant to have dinner. He said that it was going to be a romantic candlelit dinner.  Alibel had been really surprised and felt very delighted.  She was going on an official date! And finally today was the great day. It was her first time going to a romantic dinner too!

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