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So,here's the first chapter of my first book.I hope you like it.There may be mistakes,but i wanted to publish it first without editing because i wanted to know if you readers find my story interesting enough for me to continue.So please give me your views if i should go on with the story or not.And i won't mind if you constructively criticize my writing style. I will take your advice into consideration.
P.s-i'm not an English native Speaker.So be lenient towards me. Thank you!

There was a loud honk,and she felt someone grabbed her right arm and yanked her back. Astounded, she looked to her right and found a large bald man looking at her angrily.
"Watch out for cars young lady" he shouted at her.
"I'm sorry" was her barely inaudible reply.
"It's okay. But please, be careful.You could have been badly hurt,or worst!You could have died"
She thanked him again, and then looking to her right, then to her left, she finally crossed the road.

She was almost late at work now. She was a part-time waitress at the coffee shop,where she worked since she was 17. At her other job,where she worked full-time, she was an associate secretary, since she was 22.
Walking towards the Coffee shop, she thought about what  had just happened with that man when she was trying to cross the road. It literally disturbed her. How could she have been so irresponsible and inattentive!if something had happened to her, her little sister Camelia,or Lia, as Alibel had nicknamed her, would have been left all alone in this cruel and ugly world. And she knew that her younger sister could not survive without her by her side. But well, she was not to be blamed completely and entirely for being distracted. She had just undergo a very important test.This test was crucial because the results will determine if she was eligible to enroll into a medical school or not. She was nearly hit by a car because while walking, she was trying to remember if she had answered all the questions right. She knew that it serves no purposes thinking about the test now, but she was some kind of nerd. In fact, she was really intelligent, and she was very interested in biology, plus she wanted to help save people's live.However,she had set the objective of becoming a doctor when she found out that her little sister had the same illness that took their mother six years ago. She was hoping that God would grant her enough time to become a doctor and a researcher so that she could find a cure to her illness. Yes, she could not say 'try to find a cure' because she was really determined to find one. Her little 15 years old sister Camelia was nearly in the terminal phase of cancer. Alibel was well aware that during that phase,both the patient and the families go through a very harsh time. She went through this already with her mother when she was 18,and seeing her suffered had tore Alibel apart. She was determined  not to go through this again with her sister. She could not and did not want to go through this again . She was really determined to save Camelia. Moreover, at 24 years old, Alibel thought that she went through enough tragedies in her life. She had lost both her parents.Her father died 12 years ago, in a tragic car accident. Mr Joshua Riverbell was coming back home urgently because his wife's health condition had deteriorated. It was raining heavily that day and his car skidded and he went crashing directly into a tree. He lost his life that dreadful day. He died trying to come and rescue the woman he loved.And since then and up until her own death, her mother never forgave herself for being the reason why her lover died. And now, it was her little sister who was in the deadly grips of death. It seemed that death was to be a part of Alibel's life. Its vile tentacles had ripped her family apart and now was trying to snatch the apple of her eyes.

Entering the coffee shop, which was name "Mama's secret potion" , she went to salute the owner,Mrs Laura Rymond,who was in the office in the back of the shop.
"Hi Mrs Rymond.How are you today?"She greeted her.
Mrs Rymond beamed at her before replying. "Hi little Alibel. I'm fine,and you?How was your test?"
"I'm fine too.And i think i did pretty well in the test" Alibel replied."I'm going to change my clothes,and come back to help the others with the clients" she said walking out of the office directly to the locker and changing room.

SHE FELL IN LOVE WITH DEATHحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن