141 5 4

Civitas Orbis Terrarum

The world in the middle

The Realm between Heaven and Hell

In the end, Hate was surrounded by four demons, two on each side, Alibel could observe. Which meant that firstly Death's group was only outnumbered by one. Well, Alibel should probably count herself out because she wasn't sure that she could take one demon by herself. And secondly, the four fingers sign will be of no use because Hate was obviously not alone. Knowledge's dream of capturing and torturing Hate was an absolute no. She must be really disappointed, thought Alibel, smirking. So this means that Alibel will have to pay attention for only the one, two or three fingers signs.

Far from where she and Death were hiding, Hate still concealed under the dark hooded cloak, approached Secret. Hate circled him while he spoke, feeling very confident that he had his demons' protector.

Alibel hung upon each and every word Hate was saying, trying to imagine how Hate might look simply by hearing his voice.

"Glad to see you dear old friend", said Hate in a stentorian but dead voice, displaying no joy or happiness in seeing an old friend. "After all this time, we meet again"

  "Glad to see you too", simply replied Secret.  

"So, i heard you want to.....join my army", said Hate in a toneless and unconvinced tone. 

"Yes. Exactly", Secret replied, his hoarse voice betraying no emotion too.

 Circling Secret, Hate stopped just in front of him and said: "I am not very convinced of your join us now. Why this sudden desire to be part of...our army when in all this years you never shown any interest in joining us?Why this sudden interest?What made you change your mind?Why don't you join God's army instead?"

" I don't get well along with the angels", replied Secret gravely. "And i choose the best army. The one with the more benefits....... for me"

"You're not the talkative type, as always" said Hate voice toneless. " But i am still not convinced of your loyalty towards us. I want an answer and i want it now. Why do you want to join Devil's army!?", Hate's voice was high-pitched and venomous.

Alibel looked at Knowledge, who was trying to mimic  something which Alibel couldn't understand. She was not good at reading lips and signs, but amazingly, Death did understand and she soon heard his voice inside her head.
"Knowledge wants us to be ready. Hate is getting very nervous and impatient. Secret might have to use a more violent approach to be able to use his power on Hate. Watch out for the fingers' signs."

Which meant that Secret will have to get physical with Hate to obtain the information. Alibel nodded. She tightened her hands around her weapons. Alibel directed her attention back to the discussion between Secret and Hate.

"Hate", said Secret, approaching Hate without displaying any sign that he was afraid of him,
" Have i not always been on your side? From the very beginning? Was i not the one who spilled...Death's secret to you"

Secret's deep voice betrayed his unusual use of speech.

Alibel felt Death reaction to Secret's words: he went frigid and clenched his hands.

Hate evil satisfying voice could be heard. Alibel shivered. That voice was maleficent. 

"Yes. You came running to me like a little puppy to denounce this moron. It was thanks to your precious help that i was able to bring his fall."

Alibel felt the hatred staining each and every word of Hate for Death. It was clear that Hate despised Death and Death reciprocated the hatred. He despised him as much, or even more.

SHE FELL IN LOVE WITH DEATHحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن