chapter 24

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Phil's POV
The door opened after Louise linked our arms and knocked three times.

Two men opened the door with their hands intertwined.
"Chris? Pj?" I looked at the couple standing in front of us.

They smiled and hugged me.
"What are you doing here?" I asked not hugging back cause of the confusion that was hurting my head.

"Didn't you tell him?" Pj said looking chris in the eyes.
Chris shook his head "I forgot!"
Pj face palmed and smacked Chris's arm. I stood there still confused.

"Remember when we told you we met Dan in the parking lot with Zoe and Alfie?" Pj asked.
I nodded my head with my mouth still hanging open.
"Yeah, That day Zoe invited us to this game night. Chris was supposed to tell you earlier." Pj snapped his neck at chris who was looking down scratching the back of his neck.

I closed my mouth and rolled my eyes pushing past the couple with Louise walking in the house.

I was greeted by Zoe and Alfie in the living room.
"PHIL!" Zoe jumped wrapping her arms around my neck and I immediately hugged her back kind of leaning down as she is really small.

Alfie came over and hugged me patting my back at the same time. After that hug I stood in front of the couple who smiled big at me.
"Oh my goodness, you are as handsome in person!" Zoe squealed looking me up and down.
Alfie nodded. "It's so good to finally meet you as you!" She added linking hers and Alfies arms together.

I smiled "Yeah. It feels like the first time."
Zoe's face changed as she listened to my voice "Wow you do have a way deeper voice than Dan" she laughed as I blushed at the name of my crush.

Alfie patted my shoulder "Dan went on a run cause lately he's been saying he wants to 'look good' to meet you." Alfie laughed walking past me with his girlfriend still wrapped on his arm.

I blushed even an even darker shade and nodded. The butterflies in my stomach were flying faster with every second that passed. We waited for about five minutes until other couples started to arrive. But Dan was still not back.

Felix and Marzia arrived first. Of course they won't know who I am unless we explain what's happened with Dan and I. Before I had time to tell them Zoe beat me to it explaining it way better than I probably would have. They hugged me and thought it was really cool, our situation.

Of course, who wouldn't? We literally switched lives from across the world almost! That's a story to tell someone wether they believe it or not.

Every time the door opened my knees grew weak and I started to shake. The next people who came were Zoe's brother and his best friend. I introduced myself and Zoe once again told them me and Dans situation.

They next people who came were Joey and Daniel. Very sweet and funny people also. Then Dans partner for the game night showed up by himself, Jim. He was funny.

The only one who wasn't here, was Dan. It was about to start as everyone started to gather at the big table in the dinning room. There was an uneven amount of us. I decided I wanted to take a walk and sit out the first couple rounds of the starting game.

"Hey Jim, you can partner up with Louise for now. I-I'm gonna take a walk." I slid my hands in my pockets and smiled as I walked out the front door.

I walked out into the moonlight sky but didn't look at the sky. Instead, I stared at the bright pavement not looking where I was going because who would be out right now.

After taking like two laps around the apartment still head down I made it where the entrance was. The moon was being covered by giant clouds and it was dark. I heard footsteps. I began to run the opposite way. Or so I thought.

I ran straight into someone falling back. I heard them apologize multiple times and reach their hand out to help me up.

I took the strangers hand and felt a shock go through both our bodies. Looked like he felt it too as he stood there with my hand in his. We stood there in silence until the clouds in the sky passed by and the moon brightened the world around us.

There he was. Standing right in front of me, his beautiful brown eyes staring into mine in shock. We both blushed and let go of each others hands quickly.

"P-phil?" He stuttered looking at me up and down. I nodded and looked him in the eyes. I saw a smile spread across his face and that was very contagious. I smiled back.

He jumped at me wrapping his arms around my neck. This shocked me, but I instantly wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I never t-thought we w-would meet" he started sobbing. I rubbed circles on his back as we stood there still embraced in each other's arms.

"Don't cry, you'll make me cry." I said pushing back to look him in the eyes. His arms still wrapped around my neck and mine on his waist.

He sighed and kept a smile while one last tear slid down his face. I took my thumb and wiped it off his cheek and cupped his face in my hands. I wouldn't mind standing like this forever.

"How? Why?" He asked

"Chris, Pj , and I drove here as soon as Nan passed. We ended up getting into a fight and I stayed at a hotel where I met a lady called Louise. She said she knew you and she wanted me to be her plus one for this game night." I explained to the beautiful boy standing in my arms.

He smiled. "Nan is watching." I nodded feeling a tear roll down my cheek now.

My heart was beating as fast as it ever has at this moment. I could feel his in his hands.
"Dan, I have to tell you something." I said letting go of him and standing awkwardly in front of him.

He gave his full attention still obviously nervous.

I sighed. "I-I love you." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry? I couldn't hear you" He said looking concerned.

"I love you!" I practically yelled. His eyes grew wide and I covered my mouth staring at the shocked boy in a frozen stance.

He grabbed my hands put them at my side, cupped my face and smashed his lips into mine. I stood there shocked with my eyes still wide open.

Once it hit me seconds later I closed my eyes and kissed back. I slid my hands through his hair as he wrapped his around my neck.

I wanted this forever.

He pulled away breathing heavy and hugging me again tight.

He pulled away from the tight embrace and intertwined our fingers
"We should probably go inside." He giggled.

I nodded and we began walking to the door.

When we entered our hands still intertwined everyone stared before all cheering. We blushed and smiled big. We stared into each others eyes deeply in front of everyone. It was silent.

"Just kiss already!" Zoe said trying to do a deep voice. Every busted into laughter. I grabbed Dan by the back of his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss.

Everyone cheered louder and banged on the table. We pulled away and smiled with the red still spread across both of our faces.
"Dan! Phil! We saved you seats." Chris and Pj started motioning for us to walk their way

We sat down next to them jumping into the board game with the rest of the pairs. Still hand in hand and shoulders touching.

I never want this to end.

Hey! So they met ! Yay!!!!

Anyways I'll be writing one more maybe two. Then it'll be over. The amount of fun I had while writing this book is a lot to put in words. Thank you for the support along the way and I should have more books coming soon of course more Phan.

- fire Susan

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