chapter 18

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Dans POV

"Dan. We've been looking online for 'county sides' all day. We just won't know and we don't have the money to travel to every county side in England." Alfie complained. We're at a big quiet breakfast diner in a big booth with only a couple of other people scattered across the room enjoying their meals and drinks of their choice.

We seemed to be the loudest table out of like seven. We sat with pancakes and glasses of warm tea. "Yes, but we can't give up. Looking at the images will trigger something in me." I said sounding determined.

"Dan, love. We've looked through many. Nothing 'triggered' you like the way you want." Zoe said grabbing my hand from in front of me. I felt the tears starting to form and threatened to spill from my eyes on the spot. I sighed signally them that I also gave up. We started to pack our things and making our way to walk out the door.

As we were walking out I felt my heart start beating fast and I didn't understand. I just kept walking out.

Phil's POV

We finally found a big diner to have breakfast at so we pulled into the drive through and began walking in. I opened the door and held it open but as I was holding it open I felt my heart jump and I wasn't sure why. I looked around to see if there was something that would explain, I was amazed at this amazing diner. I've never been in one as myself.


All I did see three people walking out the other doors. Something about the back of those people's heads gave me goosebumps on my arms and chills throughout my body. There were two tall men with brown hair and a small woman with brown hair and light strips of blonde.

I ignored the weird feeling in my body I just thought it's because it's my body in a real diner for the first time. So Pj, Chris, and I went to a booth by the window and took a seat. As soon as I sat down the feeling came back and ran through my body quick before disappearing.

I tried to not make it obvious I was feeling weird to the couple that sat in front of me. Not too long after we were greeted by a man in uniform taking our drinks down and giving us weird long plastic coated things. I can't remember what Dan, Zoe and Alfie called them. All I knew is they contained the choices you have of the food they had.

When the waiter guy came back with our drinks we were ready to say what we wanted. I of course got a stack of chocolate chip pancakes because we're in London now which means the best pancakes are served here. Mainly because they have American workers.

Chris got two pancakes with scrambled eggs and a sausage link. Pj got the same thing but instead of sausage he got a hash brown. The waiter guy wrote down our orders and took the long plastic things. We sat there and had random conversations until Chris started asking questions again.

"So, what does Dan look like?" He leaned forward.
And of course this question set something off in me that caused me to answer before thinking and not stop talking.

"He's got chocolate brown eyes that can make your stomach spin round and round for hours like a washing machine, those beautiful brown pearls you can stare into forever and see galaxies and the perfect future with him, you feel the safest you've ever felt starring into his eyes. And his hair, so soft and curly the feeling of his hair makes you feel like you are somewhere else and some part of you feels loved. And the way the curls fall on his beautiful face just makes me want to scream out of excitement."
Chris sat there just listening and Pj decided to start recording me without me knowing as I was staring off into space. Both not interrupting as I continued.

"His skin is a beautiful tanned color that you could stare at for days, the feeling of it is so soft and just the thought of his arms around me makes my heart pump rapidly. His cheek bones that could cut me by just a graze. His slightly deep voice that I could listen to for hours and hours without getting tired of it."
Now the waiter came up, I didn't notice him. He placed down the food in front of us and stared at me but listening closely as I continued.

"His fingers that could intertwine with mine so perfectly, and his height just a little bigger than me that makes me want to jump on him and wrap my legs around him or wake up every morning in the perfect position of cuddles. His body shape is very awkward but every part of me loves every part of it. I could lay in his arms for eternity. When I think about him it's like my floating."

I breathed in before snapping out of my trance, looking back down at the two boys and the waiter who were starring at me and listening to every word I spit out. They looked in shock.

"Wow Phil." Chris said with his mouth hanging open.
"What?" I asked looking at him.
"You really love him." Pj chimed in also in shock.
I blushed now realizing everything that came out of my mouth.
"That. Was. Beautiful." The waiter pretended to wipe a tear from his eye.
I quickly buried my red face into my hands.

"It sounded like you were describing the boy I just served before you came." The waiter added while placing down napkins.
I immediately took my hands off my face and grabbed the waiter by the wrist and dragged him into the booth to sit right next to me.

"What boy? And who was he with?" I asked impatiently.
"Umm. He was with a couple the girl had like blonde strips and the guy was just brunette. " he explained. I knew it! Alfie and Zoe!
"And the boy you knew I was describing?" I asked.
"Oh, yeah. He was tall but I can't remember what they called him." He explained again.
"Dan!" I yelled.
He nodded "Yeah! They called him Dan"
I jumped up and down in my seat and hugged the waiter thanking him repeatedly.
He sat there confused until he was called from the kitchen.
"Hey! You're a waiter not a friend!" The older lady from behind the counter yelled.
He quickly stood up "So is there anything else I can get for you?" He asked.
I nodded. "Maybe a number? You seem like a great friend. Maybe when I find Dan you can join us?" I smiled.
He smiled and I gave him my phone to put his number in. He gave the phone back without a name and began to walk away.
"Wait!" I called.
He turned around and looked at me.
"What's your name?" I asked
He smiled. "Mark."

- susan

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