chapter 19

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Phil's POV

¨Okay, okay Lester calm down.¨ Chris said holding Pj's hand as I dragged Pj to the car.

¨We can't wait. He's here. Mark saw him! He lives here.¨ I exclaimed.

¨Yes, but we still don't have an address we can't go knock on every door in London.¨ Pj explained.

¨Plus how are you so sure that he was talking about your Dan?¨ Chris added.

¨Because as soon as we walked through those doors I FELT IT! My heart rate increased, my body started shaking. I saw them walking out.¨ I explained to the couple who hardly believed me. I saw it in their eyes. They didn't believe me.

¨The bond I have with Dan is nothing like anyone you know. WE WERE EACH OTHER! That's why we felt that shock when we were in the same room.¨ I kept explaining to make the couple believe me. They didn't lose that look in their eyes. Still didn't believe me.

¨You, don't believe me.¨ I said my voice cracking and tears forming at the rim of my eyes they sat silent until I started walking away.

They shook their heads ¨No, no. Phil we believe you.¨ Chris said noticing the tears forming in my eyes and grabbing my hand to prevent me from walking away. I turned back to face them to hear the excuse from them knowing it was only going to hurt me.

¨We do believe you Phil. We want to help, we always have.¨ Pj said.

¨If you want to lie, practice on it cause you're both really bad at it. You didn't come to help me, you came for your relationship.¨ I shook my head and yanked my arm away from Chris's grip. I started to run as fast as I could to wherever my legs took me. I knew the city slightly from being Dan so I just followed my gut and legs.

Once I stopped running I was near a hotel and a car pulled up right next to me, I knew it was Chris and PJ. I ignored it as they called me from the window.

¨Phil! Get in the car.¨ They kept calling ¨We're sorry.¨ They kept saying. I know they didn't mean it. Not yet, but they will soon.

¨Stop following me.¨ I said coldly, not looking at the car or them. I kept walking straight.

¨No. You live with us, where would you go?¨ Chris said not taking any hints.

¨No, I've made it by with no friends before. I'll do it again. I also had this thing called a job so I have money and oh, look! A hotel. How lovely.¨ I said in a sassy tone only glaring at them.

¨Phil. Come on. Come to the house, we'll keep looking for Dan.¨ Chris said adding to my anger.

I stopped in place and heard the cars brakes next to me.

¨You mean ME!¨ I started to raise my voice and walking up to the open window.
¨The only thing YOU helped me with was getting here, as much as I appreciate it YOU haven't helped me ACTUALLY look for him. I did it all. So before you say WE think about what's actually happened. HE made us meet and be friends, and I thought you two would want to meet him as much as me. But I was wrong, so enjoy your new life in the city together!¨ I yelled and left them in shock as I walked away again. I assume they took the hint for now.

The car was no longer following me and me having the perfect timing, It began to pour.

I walked slower loving the feeling of cold hard rain pour down on my pale skin and drench my clothes. I finally made it to the giant building you were able to see from like a mile away. This was bigger than the biggest building in my town and that was the hospital.

I walked to the entrance that had a cover above me all the way to the big front glass doors. I walked through the doors and was amazed by the beautiful inside of the lobby. I probably looked like a crazy man just looking around.

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