chapter 5

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Phil's ocean blue eyes shot open, he jumped up out of bed to a fast beating heart and heavy breathing. When his breathing slowed down into a steady pace he started feeling his body running over to the mirror revealing his pale skin , black hair, and blue eyes all there like normal.

"So it was just a dream?" He thought and sighed.
"A very real one" He mumbled slumping down against the wall slowly closing his eyes to rest again. He felt something wasn't right. His eyes open quickly feeling his heart start to race again.

"Nan?!" He yelled running out the room frantically.
His eyes quickly scanned the room to look for a small older lady finally seeing her sitting in her usual place.
"Hey, Phil you're back!" She commented walking towards the coffee machine in the kitchen.
"Back?" He questioned.
She smiled, "How was the life of Dan? Tell me about it." She handed him the mug watching him sip the warm liquid cautiously.

His eyes grew wider, he turned the other way and spit all the liquid out of his mouth.
" You know coffee is hot when it's barely made right Phil?" She joked handing him a rag to clean up the brown mess everywhere.
"How do you know about dan?!" He said placing the mug on the table in front of him and received the light blue rag cleaning the mess his mouth just made still in utter shock.

"How do you know about dan?" He pushed.
She giggled taking a seat in front of him grabbing his hand. "When I was younger I went through this same situation, it's a blood thing that runs in specific families. The switch. It happens when the young adult is in a bad point of their life giving up hope, another person any gender and any age with similar problems anywhere in the world you will swap bodies and live their life. " she says giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. He sat there obviously confused.

"I was never blessed to meet the man I once became." She sighed looking into the corner of the room as if she was seeing it over again.

He gave her an apologetic look.
"I loved him with everything in me. Its fine though I know he's doing great now. No doubt. He was very nice." She gave a weak smile.

"Why didn't you meet him? And why did you stop changing?" He asked.
She sighed. "Once one person finds their so called soul mate, the switch stops and if you didn't find out much about them or the location. You never see them again."
He slumped into his seat slightly blushing. "Nan? Can i tell you something?" He asked.
She nodded. "What do you think about... gays?" He mumbled the last word.

She laughed. "Phil babe, I know you're not straight."
He sat straight up immediately not wanting to make eye contact 
"I've known for a while now and I never brought it up because it doesn't change the way I look at you, Being labeled as gay isn't a bad thing. It never was and it never will be so don't think I wouldn't support you. I want to support you and your future husband." She gave his worried expression a reassuring smile. He blushed a darker shade of red and slid down in his chair in embarrassment.

"That's why..." she dramatically slammed her hands on the table
"You're not letting Dan go! We have to find out everything about him!" She said pointed her fingers in his light pink face. He just nodded with an innocent look plastered on his face as he  looked up at the standing lady in front of him.

"So, answer my question. How was it like? Where were you?" She questioned nudging him every question.

"I didn't know a lot. I thought it was a dream. " he said putting tapping his finger on his chin. 

"It was weird at first because it was the city Nan! Everything I've ever dreamed of!" Phil exclaimed. 

"There was giant buildings, traffic in the roads and on the pavement! And there were cafes! Like real cafes. And elevators that we see online. It was scary to be in one though. And Dan has these cool friends called Zoe and Alfie who are super nice and funny to be around an-" Nan cut off the excited boy who was saying ten words every second. 

"That's amazing Phil,  I'm very happy you're opening up again and enjoying this. That's why when I'm gone you have to meet Dan and stay with him at any cost." She said grabbing his hands from across the table. 

Phil smiled and nodded. "One day Nan. Hopefully not soon." Nan smiled and nodded back at Phil as he began to sip his coffee again. 

A long day passed of the same stuff like always, but what kept him going was knowing he would soon be the beautiful brunette again. 

- susan 

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