chapter 8

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Phil woke up in extreme pain and in an unfamiliar room. He jumped up and rushed out the room to be greeted by Zoe and Alfie.

"By that entrance I think it's safe to assume you're Phil." Alfie said to the confused brunette standing in the dining area. 

"Good morning Phil!" the small girl chirped.

"What's going on?" Phil asked being handed a plate of food by the other boy.

"Come sit and check your phone, Dan should have explained it to you." Alfie said sitting back at his chair next to his girlfriend. 

He nodded going back into the room he woke up in to retrieve the phone and going back to the table sitting next to the boy as he starts eating and reading. 

"Hey Phil, First thanks for swearing to keeping my secrets cross my fingers you won't sell them out for pancakes -_-" 
Phil choked cause of the joke and regained his composure to continue reading.

"Anyways you may be a little confused on why i'm not home with my dad and why you're eating breakfast with Zoe and Alfie. My dad found out about the switch and how I was switching with another male which obviously isn't my choice. Him and I got into a physical fight, so I packed our things and left." 

Phil choked again at the word "Our"  trying to gain his composure again "Now i'm curious on what the heck Dan wrote that you're choking so much." Alfie commented patting Phil's back to help him breathe correctly again. 

"I hope to never go back to that alcoholic anyways he found out i'm gay and he hates it so try to avoid ever seeing him again and when I escaped the house apparently I made it to the school and passed out face first in front of Zoe and she had gotten Alfie to take me to the hospital and since they got a new apartment with three rooms that's our new home with them. Anyways I hope you had fun with your new friends I made you, Chris and PJ. I plan to hang out with them today as Phil if you didn't tell them about me being you for pancakes again." Phil giggled. "Anyways I think that's all, you'll be in a lot of pain today sore and bruised from that lame excuse of a dad. Like you said BE you soon Phil" 

The ending of that made him smile and blush, trying to hide the pink that was rapidly spreading he didn't think before doing and slammed his head against the table. 

"Ouch" he laughed holding his forehead in the spot he slammed. 

"Phil what the f-ck?" The couple laughed at the blushing and now red forehead boy.

"That was really your way of hiding the blush spreading?" Zoe giggled.

"Damn you two, can't ever hide anything from you guys." Phil said with a pouting face and they just laughed again "It's our-" "SPECIALTY" Zoe interrupted her boyfriend. He looked at her laughing "I've always wanted to-" "finish my sentence?" Alfie now interrupted the small girl's predictable sentence, and she just slumped into her seat making a pouting face with Phil. "That was cute" Phil mocked the couple and giggled finishing the coffee in the plain white mug. They just rolled their eyes and laughed together.

Dan woke up in the now familiar soft bed that was Phil's, he got up expecting to help Nan with breakfast but as soon as he left the comfy room he didn't see Nan anywhere in the house. 
"Nan?" He yelled and listened for a soft voice. Nothing. "NAN?!" Dan yelled louder hearing nothing but his echo boom off the white walls. He ran back to Phil's room and slipped on Phil's gray bunny slippers, grabbing the house keys before running out the room and then the front door locking it behind him. He starts running down the small town stepping into every store he passes asking the cashiers and employees if they've seen Nan come through. No one's seen her. 

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