0.1 | she's wasted

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LISA'S POV of Chapter 1

I felt my world spin as I exited the pub. I could barely keep myself up, throwing myself to the mearest things my hands could grab before vomiting our every single thing in my stomach.

I hated vomiting. It's the worst thing ever. I would literally rather get stabbed twenty times than vomit.

I continued to heave as my clammy hands kept myself from falling into my own pile of vomit. At one point, I felt like I had vomited more than I have consumed ever in my life. It was...too much vomit.

As I heaved another time, I felt a gush of wind hit as a chunk of my hair flew right into my open mouth. Ew! What the fuck!

"Oh boy," I ignored the voice. At this point, I was too drunk to care about whoever was watching me. "Are you okay?"

Was she dumb? I was literally getting sick all over the street. Of course I wasn't fine.

But I couldn't throw the shady comment as my mouth was too busy being a disgusting lil thing.

"You seem like you've had a harsh night." She said as another gush of wind led to more hair flying right into my mouth. Nice, I was probably going to die of a puke hairball. "Let me tie your hair up."

Thank god! I continued vomiting as the girl held my hair. I felt like shit making an asshat out of myself in front of a girl. Whatever, she probably wasn't cute anyways. This school is all out of single queer girls. Everyone's either fucking ugly, practically married, or straight.

The girl made a slight wincing sound. Regardless of whether or not she was pretty, I still felt bad. She was probably disgusted by me releasing chunks after chunks.

I finally stopped and I flicked off all the remaining vomit from my hand. "I'm really sorry. I was just vomiting." I said, sounding dumb.

She laughed and helped me stand straight. "I'm Park Chaeyoung," She said, saying a name unfamiliar to me. I was still dizzy so I couldn't see her properly but I was certain she was either new or from another uni nearby. "But you can call me Rosé."

"Korean?" I said as I bent over again, feeling my stomach gargle. I brushed my bangs away to keep them from getting messier.

We talked a little more about fucking Korea or whatever but I was so dizzy I felt like I was just saying nonsense. I finally straightened up again, rubbing my belly.

When I opened my eyes, I felt something in my stomach. It wasn't acid or pain; it was different. "Fuck," It was all I could say.

She was beautiful with her ivory skin that reflected the warm city lights, making her appear as if she was illuminating. Her long eyes that looked innocent yet weirdly piercing. And lips, oh, if only I was certain I could kiss them without vomiting in her mouth, I would.

"What?" She asked.

"You're so gorgeous," The words slipped out of my mouth before I could even stop then — word vomit.

Her cheeks and the bridge of her nose turned into a flushed pink color. She bit her lower lip slightly. Fuck, could she get anymore gorgeous? I was head over heels and I only knew her name.

I smirked. "Now, I'm embarrassed as fuck that I just puked in front of you," I said. "I promise I'm not always this drunk at 7 pm."

"It's 10."

Oh fuck, I really am just embarrassing myself in front of the most angelic person ever. I couldn't bare to deal with it anymore.

"And now I can't tell the time. I can't believe I'm messing up in front of a cute girl." I said, fidgeting with my bangs.

She flushed a little and bit the bottom of her lip; fuck, this girl has got to be an angel. Who else would appear before me, help me out, and look absolutely immaculate? "It's fine. Do you need help getting back inside?"

I didn't reallt wanna go back inside. My head was already spinning and the lights would just make me nauseous. Besides, I think I saw UltraBitch Jennie Kim inside. "No, but I'd lie and say yes so you'd not leave."

"I'm not leaving. I have to get back to my friends anyway." She chuckled as she bent down to my level and helped me wipe away some sweat from my hair. "Are you alone? Maybe you can join us, after I help you fix up, of course."

"Sure, I mean, who are your friends? I might know them." I asked, cautiously. She looked Asian and not to be racist, but that could have been an indicator that she was one of Jennie's friends. "I mean, I pretty much know everyone here."

Fuck, that came out wrong.

"Silly," She muttered cutely as she smiled. "Uhm, Jennie Kim. You know her?"

Oh fuck, of course, the prettiest girl I have ever met is friends with Jennie Kim, who once threatened to burn my dorm room down in one of her blind rage moments. I was pretty sure as hell that I couldn't date this angel; I wouldn't want to be actually killed by Jennie.

"Yo, dude, are you alright?" I looked up to see a concerned Lynn, head towards us.

I looked over to Lynn. "Oh uh, that's my friend. I guess I can't join you." I mumbled. "Lynn, this is Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung looked vaguely confused but still smiled welcomingly to Lynn. "Rosé, actually."

"Sorry you had to deal with her like this. Thanks for finding her." Lynn apologized. "She said she was just going to the bathroom but she wasn't there."

"It's fine. I understand. It was nice meeting you." She said. "I guess I'll go now."

I watched her turn her back against us and head back inside. "You haven't even asked for my name!" I shouted. "Or my number!"

She turned almost flirtatiously and giggled. "Sorry, your name is?"

"Lisa," I smiled cheekily. "But you can call me babe."

"Nice to meet you, Lisa." She bit her lip.

"How about my number?" I said as I tried to get up but my stomach disagreed with my actions.

"I don't give out my number to drunk strangers." She scrunched up her nose.

I groaned. "But babe,"

Lynn apologized to Rosé. "You should go. After this flirty drunk stage, we get sad drunk Lisa and you don't want to deal with that."

She giggled before sauntering off. "Okay, bye then."

"Bye, babe!" I called out with a smile as I watched the dainty girl head back in. I wiped my mouth again.

Lynn shook her head. "Lisa, even when drunk, you love messing with chicks." She chuckled. "I would've thought Kim's threats worked on you and you changed your ways."

I chuckled. "I'm not fucking with her, okay? She's just cute."

"Yeah, sure, says the fuckboy."

"Excuse me," I glared at her.

Lynn just chuckled. "Admit it, you're a fuckboy and you stand no chance with straighty over there." She teased.

Ah of course, the girl did seem straight but there was still something about her that drew me in. "I told you, I'm not fucking with her. We just met."

Lynn laughed. "That's how every girl's nightmare starts; Lisa just meets them."

"Asshole," I laughed and shook my head. "But seriously, I'm done with girls for now. No fucking with them, no falling in love with them."

"I won't bet you on that because I know you'll lose." Lynn laughed. "No bets but personally, I'll give it a month and you're head over heels over Straighty."

"Fuck off, Lynn. I'm done with girl." I said as I finally stood back up. I looked in the bar and saw Chaeyoung looking pretty as she laughed with a friend. "Yeah, no more messing with girls."

"Whatever, Manoban."

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