7 | she's pretty drunk

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"Sorry, Chaeyoung." Taehyung apologized, using my Korean name. He always seemed to use it whenever he felt like he was in trouble or was just terribly guilty. "I already packed my shit for the weekend. I promise I'll make it up to you. Dinner, next week, on me!"

I sighed. "It's alright but I'll be holding you to that. Have a safe trip."

"Enjoy your party," He said before hanging up.

I swore I was going but I just couldn't find someone to go with. I really didn't want to go alone but I couldn't just ditch because I promised again a while ago that I was going to make it when Autumn asked me for confirmation. I was incredibly conflicted.

"Have you tried Fifi?" Jennie turned around to ask. She was currently doing her make-up to get ready for her date with the girl she was teaching, Jisoo. This was one of the few times I saw Jennie this flustered and excited; she seemed to be really into this girl. I couldn't wait to meet Jisoo; she must be so great if Jennie was this whipped over her.

I sighed again. "Fifi is apparently going out with the stoner guy, again." I replied. "Apparently, the guy has tickets to some rapper she likes so she went to the concert with him."

Jennie looked at me pitifully from her mirror reflection. "If we end early and Jisoo's down to party, maybe I'll take her. No promises though."

I shook my head. "No, enjoy your date. Don't worry about me." I said. "I'll go alone and slip out after an hour. Maybe get out early enough to catch that boba shop open. I have been craving a good boba."

Jennie chuckled as she closed her lip tint. "Okay," She turned around to face me. "How do I look?"

"Beautiful and fresh as ever," I complimented. Jennie was a natural beauty but her light make-up enhanced her features a bit more. She had a simple pink eyeshadow look, a subtle eyeliner, a gradient lip tint, and a bit of bb cream.

She exhaled in relief. "I hope she thinks so too. I have not gotten this huge of a crush on a girl since high school."

"Same, I have not liked anyone in such a long time." I admitted. "I never even dated anyone."

"Maybe tonight is the night you find a worthy first date." She said. "Maybe the Universe really wants you to go alone so you can meet him. I bet your friend Autumn has a lot of rich and cute friends."

I sighed. As much as I'd like to think about how that's the case, I really just want to have someone to go with. I wasn't really a flirty person; to be completely honest, I was too awkward for that. I also haven't really liked a guy for real, so I would have no idea to react to that.

Jennie left moments later to meet Jisoo. She was pretty determined to make the girl fall in love, and I had full confidence in her. I mean, she was an intelligent and beautiful girl. Any person who couldn't appreciate that would either be insecure or stupid; Jennie was the total catch and I know that she could have this Jisoo girl by the end of the night. But now, I was left alone, lowkey panicking about how I was going to be awkwardly alone in that party.

I took a deep sigh and looked at my alarm clock. It was an hour before the party. I should be getting ready by now. I really didn't want to but I did promise. As I was doing my eyebrows, my phone buzzed.

It was Lisa.

This entire week, we spent a lot of our free time texting each other. We couldn't really hang out since Jennie would probably piss her pants with anger if she found out I was hanging out with Lisa. So, we messaged each other...a lot.

She sent me cute animal videos and stupid memes. I sent her updates on my life. She'd tell me about football training. I'd tell her about my fashion design classes. Sometimes, we'd send each other cute songs and once, she made me an entire Spotify playlist. Lisa goes as far as to text me first thing in the morning and even right before she sleeps; I was quite shocked no one has caught the both of us with the amount of texting we did. Actually, I got so used to it that it kinda felt odd to not have my phone buzzing every five minutes.

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