Interview - Stone Everglade

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The Peacekeeper sent me one last ‘If-we-were-not-on-live-television-you-would-be-dead-by-now’ glare before storming off the stage. I realized I enjoyed destroying capital civilian’s days.

   Now, Crystal Meth was one of the most hideous capital specimens I have ever seen- and that is saying something. Her leathery skin had been pulled tight over her face and was the color of the orange fruit we harvest back in 11, her face was caked with so much makeup I was sure it would fall off on chunks if she showed too much expression. She had frizzy purple hair that haloed her head in an afro. However Crystal’s outfit was the worst part. She wore nothing but a sequined red push-up bra and a flowy skirt that was so sparkly I was concerned it might blind me. So in short Crystal Meth looked like she had been a subject in some inhuman experiment gone terribly wrong.

   She smiled, (And I thought she couldn't get any uglier.) “So glad you could finally join us Stoney! We were worried when you didn’t show up!” She cooed like a doting grandmother.

   My left eye twitched. “Stone. Please.” I said forcing myself to make eye contact with her.

   Crystal Meth fake pouted, “But Stoney fits your cute little personality! Doesn’t it folks?!” She cried addressing the crowd who of course started chanting ‘Stoney.’

  Oh dear God. Someone shoot me now. I buried my face in my hands.

    “Aww look he’s shy…” She smiled patting my shoulder reassuringly.

    I pushed her hand away unwilling to be contaminated with whatever was on her hands. “Alright then Crystal Meth-” I started but of course the thing that sat across from cut me off. For the record I tried very hard not to glare- I was very unsuccessful. “My name isn’t Crystal Meth… Poor thing must have me mixed up with someone else.” She smiled warmly. I believe my eyes began to burn from looking at her too long. “My name is Ruby Shimmer! Duh!”  

    A obnoxious snort escaped my mouth, “Like thats any better.” The crowd booed angrily. “Don’t feel bad. I’m sure the majority of your names suck too. Maybe you can form a support group.”

  Crystal Meth A.K.A Ruby Shimmer eyed me coldly, the way scorned women often do while they plot your painful demise. Any sympathy I previously had from her was gone- thank God. I think I would have pulled my hair out if she called me Stoney one more time.

   “Lets get on with the interviews, shall we?” Her smile was cold now, but I knew for her the cold was a temporary thing, a thing that would fade quickly. I was much colder than she would ever be. “Now I realize something must have put you in a bad mood, aren’t you enjoying the capital?” That was a stupid question on her part.

    I frowned- deeper that is. I always frown. “I hate it. It looks as if a three year old designed it- and don’t even get me started on the people here. A complete waste of oxygen. I doubt you even know what oxygen is.” I snapped, crossing my arms defiantly over my chest.
    Ruby Shimmer cocked her head to one side and smiled fakely, “Thats funny coming from someone who came from 11. And to answer your question- no. I have no idea what oxygen is, but it clearly isn't important. If it were I would definitely know what it was.” The crowd cheered her on fiercely. “Speaking of your little uncultured district, I am required to ask you if there is anything you miss about it.” She pursed her lips and squinted her eyes, daring for me to challenge her again. I’ve never been one to pass up a dare. “You know at least the people in 11 have some level of brain activity. And to answer the stupid question, I hated district 11.” I shouted. Yes I hated 11. Its not normal to hate where you grew up, but I hated 11 for the memories it brought more than anything. You would too if you were me.

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