Fifteen - "You're in love with a psycho."

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"I have to go find help."

"Lydia, you can't!"

"It's been hours! Henry could be dead and Vic is only getting worse, you can't walk on your leg Belch that means I need to go find someone to help us!"

"I-It's not safe..." Victor choked out, blood spilled from his mouth with every words and Lydia began to worry that if she left him she may never see him alive again.

"I have to find Henry, and I have to call an ambulance for you, i think you've got some internal damage Vic, if Belch and I carried you by the time we got to the hospital you'd already be dead, I can't lose you! Do you hear me?"

"Yes." He whispered ever so softly

"Please stay alive. I love you, both of you." She told him before pressing a gentle kiss to his head and tucking her backpack beneath him for support.

"Lydia?" Belch called out following after the girl as she stumbled away, "Please don't go, you can't leave me with him... I-I can't take care of a sick person, I can't even take care of myself."

"Belch you've got this, okay? Just stay with him, hold his hand, don't let him bleed to death and above all else if there's anything you need to say to him tell him now." Both of their eyes fell upon the Criss boy, "I don't know how long he has."

"What if he-"


"Yes." Reggie swallowed the lump in his throat, "What if he dies?"

"Please," her voice wavered, "if he does, don't let him die alone... Promise me."

"I promise, now go find Henry and get us the hell out of here."

"I'll come back for you guys!" She called over her shoulder.

"You always come back for us. Now go save our asses dipshit!"

And with that said Lydia Greystone wandered away into the woods, back up the ravine that their car flipped into, and out onto the road.

They'd been in the middle of nowhere when their car flipped, there was no telling where they were or how close the nearest telephone was. In honest words, they were fucked, but Lyds didn't want to believe that, she didn't want to believe that there was a possible reality without Victor Criss and Henry Bowers.

"Hello!" She yelled out, "Is anyone there?"

The further Lydia walked along the road the more tired she became, cars barely passed and when they did nobody stopped, not even to give her directions. No one wanted to stop for the girl covered in blood, just like Carrie on prom night.

"Please!" She yelled after yet another car, "My friends need help! I just need to get to a phone!"

The car stopped.

Immediately Lyds began to stumble towards the car only for it to reverse and make its way towards her first. The man inside was an elderly man with round glasses, pink cheeks and a moustache, he reminded her of her grandfather from when she was so young, it was a strange likeliness.

"Thank you so much sir, I just need you to take me to the nearest telephone, my friends car crashed into a ravine a little while back and my friend Vic is really hurt-"

"I have a phone right here." He smiled, passing the device over, "I'm awfully sorry I didn't stop at first, I figured you were one of those nuts from up at Juniper Hill Asylum."

"It's okay sir, thank you so much."

It took a while to get through, but eventually an ambulance was dispatched and the kindly old man drove Lyds back to where her friends were and together they waited for help to arrive.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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