Five - "You're cute when you're jealous."

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Thankfully so for Henry Bowers the same day that he lost his father's knife Butch didn't return home. He had never been more grateful for anything, Sure it was only postponing what he knew was to come that night or most probably the next day when his dad returned home in a drunken stupor, but he was glad for it. He was safe for one more day at least.

It was summer and that meant that someone was hosting a party every other night. They were the best places for forgetting everything, and that's exactly what Henry Bowers wanted to do that night.

He wanted to forget what his dad was going to do to him when morning came, he wanted to forget that he tried to kiss Lydia, and he wanted to forget that Patrick hadn't returned home.

But most importantly he saw it as a way to carry on with his games and play his ex right back into his arms. Now that she knew the truth she'd be much easier to get back.

"Greta Bowie's party tonight. What do you say?"

"I'll go but I'm not drinking again." Vic grimaced at the memory of the last time he drank.

"Dude, Patrick went missing last night there's more important-"

"Then we'll drink to Patrick! Come on don't be a pussy Huggins it's just a party!"

"Fine but only if Lydia agrees to go too."

"Why?" Henry narrowed his blue eyes

"Because I need someone there who's mentally sane."

"Ouch Belch, that hurts." The Criss boy faked a tear

"Oh she'll agree..." Henry smirked, "The princess can't say no to this face."


"No way."

"Why the fuck not?" He leaned against the doorframe, "It'll be fun."

Lydia let out a sigh and ushered Henry into her empty home. Her parents didn't return home the previous night either like they were meant to, instead their work retreat was 'extended'.

"Because if you hadn't noticed Henry, Patrick kinda went missing like all of those other kids yesterday, and I'm too busy worrying about him and missing that asshole to go to a party. Especially that bitch Greta's."

"Come on! Just this once, for me?"

"Fuck! Okay but only because Vic, Belch and free beer will be there, not for you. But only on one condition."

"What is it?"

"You can't all ditch me to hook up with girls... And-"

"Oh there's an and? I thought there was only one condition."

"Don't kiss me again."

All of the blood drained from Henry's face in the moment and anger flooded his entire body. He'd been hoping that after finally being truthful with her that they'd get back together, but no. That obviously wasn't the case.

"Are you fucking with me-"

"Unless," She cut him off with a smirk on her lips.

She truly had left him speechless which was something quite shocking when it came to Henry and she was so incredibly proud that she still held that power over him like nobody else.


She leaned in closer, almost so she was whispering in his ear, "Unless, I want you to."

And so their game began once again.


"Okay we've established that this party is shitty, we've played all of the stupid games and drank anything that can be passable for alcohol. Can we go now H?" Lydia complained

Insanity // Henry Bowers [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now