Eleven - "I f*cking love you!"

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"Stay with me..." Bowers groaned as he desperately reached out to pull Lydia back into his arms.

It had been a week since the rock fight and it was safe to say that things had become complicated between Henry and Lydia. They were closer than ever, more protective of each other than ever and liked one another more than ever. There was no saying what they were, there was only Lydia and Henry, they never needed the label of a couple, they only needed each other.

"Henry..." Lydia climbed up from the couch, "I promised Stan I'd go to his bar mitzvah, it starts in two hours I've gotta be ready."

"Why do you care about those losers so much?" He grumbled before falling back to lay on the couch.

"They're not Losers H. They're my friends, and besides they're all going through a tough time right now..."

"A tough time? Man they should see a day in my life. That'd show 'em a tough time."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

And truthfully Lydia was right, Henry had no idea what he was talking about. He didn't know how all of the Losers Club had broken up over a fight, he didn't know that they and his somewhat girlfriend were being hunted by a killer clown, he didn't know how each one of them were treated by their parents. In some ways they were all so similar to Henry that it was terrifying.

"I don't know what I'm talking about?" He snarled, "No it's you who doesn't know what the fuck you're doing Lyds. You don't belong with them, you belong here with us."

"Henry, leave her alone." Belch cut in before things could turn ugly.

"Shut up Belch."

"He's right, don't wanna say something you'll regret, right Henry?" Lyds glared, "Again."

Henry knew in that moment that she'd won, all he'd wanted was for her to stay with them so he could spend the day with her just as he always did, and truthfully the idea that she was going to spend the day at some bar mitzvah sat beside Trashmouth Tozier made him sick.

"I'm sorry, okay?" He mumbled, "I didn't mean it."

"I have to go." With a soft shake of her head Lydia pulled her bag on to her shoulder, pressed a kiss to the top of both Belch and Vic's heads, and left.

"Lyds, Wait!" Henry called out as he pushed his way to the door.

"Let her go Henry." Vic spoke for the first time, "She'll come back to us eventually, she always does."


It had been a heartbreaking sight for Lydia to arrive at Stan's Bar mitzvah and to find him crying in a backroom. He choked out all of his words as tears streaked his face, the poor boy didn't want to be there, that much was obvious, but what hurt him all the more was that out of all of his friends only Richie and Lydia showed up. He was in so much pain that the young girl could practically feel it.

"Look at me Stan, hey, look at me..." She'd told him, "Fuck them okay? Fuck your dad and our friends, they don't matter. None of this is going to matter two months from now, or two years from now. We can get through this alright?"

"Thank you Lyds." He frantically wiped his eyes, before a soft smile met his lips. "You really are a good friend."

"Anytime Stanley, I love you Okay? You're going to do great."

"Thank you." He repeated

Silently, the blonde girl stepped out of the small room at the back of the temple and made her way towards Richie and his mother who were waiting patiently in their seats. With a fake smile on her face she sat beside Richie, but neither one of the two friends said a word, they only leaned into each other's touch as if they never would again.

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