Ten - "I can't let him go again."

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The four remaining members of the Bowers gang jolted in their seats as the Trans am hit a bump in the road. It had been a long day for all of them and the only thing they wanted to do was let off a little steam.

"Go faster Belch!" Henry hissed from the passenger seat

Mike Hanlon only peddled faster as he desperately tried to get away from the group of maniacs. Even Lydia seemed to be encouraging the three boys and that in itself was a huge shock to him.

"Hurry up! We haven't got all damn day Belch!"

Suddenly Mike jumped from his bike and threw it down before running into the woods in the direction of the Quarry. Belch instantly slammed on the breaks and He and Vic jumped out whilst Henry lifted Lydia out of the car.

"Let's get him princess." He smirked.

Henry had never wanted Lydia to be anything like him, not in a million years, but she'd made him feel so much better, the young girl had fed into his power and the adrenaline after was his father had done to him was hitting harder than ever. In that moment nothing mattered but hurting Mike.

Hand in hand, Lydia and Henry chased after the younger boy, each one of them laughing and shoving one another as they did; almost as if it was all some sick joke.

"Come on! Let's go!" Belch yelled as he ran further and further ahead with Vic at his side

"We gotta catch up to them!" Lyds said, but Henry immediately pulled her to a stop.

"Let then run ahead."

"Why?" She asked, "Is everything okay? Is it your back?"

"No I just- god I really wanna fucking kiss you right now."

"Then what's stopping you?"

With a smirk on his lips Henry lightly pushed the younger girl against the nearest tree, allowing his palm to press into her cheek and his other hand to rest on her ribs.

"What's stopping me?" He said, "I don't want to watch you walk away again. That fucking hurt Lyds."

"I know..." she spoke breathlessly with his lips so close to her neck, "I would never hurt you."

In that moment the Bowers boy didn't hesitate and his lips pressed against her neck. He'd barely left a kiss on her skin when Vic's voice called for them from the distance and he broke away with a sigh.

"This isn't over Greystone."

"Let's get 'em" The blonde smirked and before Henry even realised it her lips had pressed against his and she'd broke off into a sprint.

"Where do you think you're going? There's no running from me this time Lyds!" He joked before he too began to run once again

When the ex lovers reached the clearing where Belch and Vic were they found their two friends restraining the younger boy and Henry only allowed himself a minute to smirk before he stood face to face with the Hanlon boy.

"This is pretty fucking pathetic huh? I mean, come on! You're not even going to fight back?"

"Let me go!"

Insanity // Henry Bowers [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now