Eight - "Henry?"

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This chapter's hella shitty but it's just a filler so enjoy until I post the next one.

After crying to her younger friend about the all too terrible dream she'd had, Lydia Greystone found herself curled up in a ball at the end of the couch with Bill Denbrough at her side. The two friends had both experienced something so unbelievably frightening that they weren't sure what to do; all they had was each other.

"What happened?" Lydia tighter her grip around the mug of hot coffee in her hands, "In your dream... what did you see Bill?"

"It wasn't a dream. It was real, too real to be a dream." He spoke breathily, "I saw Georgie he was in my house and he ran down to the basement. The whole place was flooded but he was just stood there anyway, in that stupid yellow raincoat..."

"Then what happened? Did you see the clown?"

The young girls blue eyes instantly filled with tears at the mere thought of the clown that terrorised her dreams and murdered her best friend. Bill let out a sigh before pulling the older girl into yet another hug.

"It's okay. I'm fine," she pushed him away, "I wanna know what happened."

"He kept telling me that if I went with him I'd float, he just wouldn't stop yelling "you'll float too!" And every time he said it his skin would rot more and more and then he just fell into the water, and the clown was right where he'd been stood."

"Did you run?" She whispered

"No, not yet. There was a moment, only a few seconds, where it was still and sorta just stared into my eyes, then it came at me, I ran to the top of the stairs and it hit the bottom. I don't know what happened to it after that, I just got out of there..." Bill paused, "What happened to you?"

"I had a dream, it was it Patrick." She explained, "He was in the sewer and it was like I was there too but he couldn't see me or hear me, I couldn't help him no matter what I did."

"Why was he down there?"

"He was following the new kid Ben and I guess he thought he was down there... Patrick just kept going further and further in and then he found the missing kids, except they were dead. All of them. They were like zombies or some shit and they chased him until he was trapped at the end of a tunnel. He tried to turn and run but the clown was already right in front of him and then- and then... I had to watch him be torn apart Bill." Tears clouded the girls eyes "It just wouldn't stop, even after he stopped screaming it just kept-"

"You don't have to carry on."

"I'm sorry... What are we supposed to do Bill? It's got to be real, right? There's no way both of us could see the same thing, that would mean we're crazy."

"We're not crazy, I don't know how I know but that clown... it's real. I can feel it."

"I feel it too."

"What do we do now?"

"I have no idea..."

"Should we tell anyone?"

"I think you should tell your friends what you saw. Even they deserve to know what happened to Hockstetter."

"And you? Are you going to tell the Losers?"

"Don't call them that."

"I'm sorry it's a habit of being around Henry-"

"It's okay I guess... but no. I'm not telling them. They'll think I'm crazy."

"But what if they saw something too?"

"They couldn't have, right?"

"What if it's kids this thing is going after? It's only kids who go missing..."

"I really hope you're not right about this Lyds." The Denbrough boy sighed, "I gotta go the "Losers" are waiting for me."

"You know I didn't mean that, right? I would never call any of you guys that on purpose."

"I know Lyds I'm just messing with you... I'll see you around Okay?"

"Okay Bill, see you around."

Only minutes after Bill left Lydia Greystone found herself shrugging off the yells of both of her parents to eat breakfast and to explain where she'd gone the previous night with Henry, and instead she was running by them, out of the door, and across the street in the direction of Belch's house.

She knew out of all the boys, despite being best friends with Vic and something completely unexplainable to Henry, that Belch would understand the best. He always had that about him, no matter what the situation was and whatever happened he always found a way to understand what was going on in the young girl's head even when she couldn't herself.

And he did just that.

"I'm so sorry that I brought you into this Belch."

"It's okay." The older boy smiled before he pulled his friend into a tight hug.

For a short moment Belch held Lydia tighter than anyone ever head, he had no idea what her dreams would mean for him and their friends or what they meant for the young girl herself, but the Huggins boy knew he was going to be there every step of the way.

"It was just a dream Lyds, Okay? Nothings going to happen to you, not as long as me and the guys are around. And as for Patrick... I have no idea, but whatever happened to him is not going to happen to us."

"You promise?"

"I promise." Belch nodded with a sigh, "Do you want me to take you to Henry's house?"

"Yes please. He deserves to know, I mean out of all of us he was the closest with Pat."

"Okay, lets go."


Every time Lydia closed her eyes images of Patrick dying flashed inside her mind, it was all so truly terrible and the most horrifying thing was she knew what she was seeing was real. She could see and feel the pain and the poor girl knew in that moment that that was exactly what Patrick had felt. Even as she took off her necklace that held the spare key Henry had given her she could feel the pain Patrick had felt. Almost as if she too had died beside him.

"Henry?" The blonde called out into the vacant hallway of the Bowers house.

The entire downstairs was empty apart from Butch Bowers lay passed out in his armchair with a bottle of beer in his meaty hand.

Careful not to make any noise or wake Butch up, Lydia crept up the stairs as noiselessly as she possibly could.

"Henry?" She called out once more

But the second his name met her lips Lydia instantly regretted because that was when she found herself in the doorway of Henry's bedroom staring at the scars and wounds that covered his back.

"Oh my god..."

Insanity // Henry Bowers [ON HOLD]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon