One - "Again with the sexual tension."

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Summer, 1989

It had been the hottest day of the year and Lyds Greystone was mentally thanking herself that she'd chosen to wear a tank top and Vic's jacket that day. It had been unusually cold since Georgie Denbrough and other kids began to disappear, so the young girl was glad for the change in weather, but her mood didn't change. Not one little bit, she missed Georgie. She'd used to babysit him, and despite being a well known member of the Bowers Gang, she was still just as close friends with the Losers Club so it hurt her to see Bill so broken and lost. She was broken too but there was no way to tell what he and his family were going through.

And it didn't help that her and Henry had been fighting ever since their break up four months earlier. She'd been down in the dumps because of it. They'd used to be best friends and their getting together and breaking up had put not only a strain between the two of them, but the rest of the group too. And inadvertently ruined her life.

"Henry's in a fucking foul mood again." Victor Criss, Lydia's best friend, let out a sigh as he threw his entire backpack into one of the school garbage cans. It was the last day of school and no one but him had ever been more thankful.

"Let me guess, someone knocked into him in the hall? He thought I said something about him? Patrick pissed him off?"

"I have no idea, but my bets on the first one. You know how bad his tempers been since you guys broke up."

"Yeah, he's been nothing but an asshole."

"I can't say I blame him."

"He cheated on me Vic." She spoke bluntly, "And I broke up with him because of it."

"I know, I didn't mean it like that I just meant I'd be pretty fucking devastated too if I lost you."

"Yeah but that's different, we've been best friends since we were six, I've known Henry for two years."

"And you dated him for a year and a half."

"Until their relationship ended because Lydia here realised just how madly in love with me she really was and left poor dear Henry in the dirt." Patrick let out a laugh as he joined the pair and threw his arms around the both of them.

"That's not how I remember it." Lydia laughed as the three continued to walk down the hall in the direction of Belch's locker, where they would all meet up to catch a ride home.

"If anything she'd be more likely to date me, everyone thought we were up until you started dating Henry anyway."

"Oh please Victor, that'd be like incest."

"Can't say I'm not into it." Patrick laughed once again, to which Vic hit him in the back of his head.

"Fuck you dude." He glared

As they walked Lydia couldn't help but notice the looks everyone gave her. For some reason after her and Henry's break up everyone assumed that she had been the one who'd cheated and instead of being the most feared and liked girl in school, she quickly became the most feared and hated. After all everyone was scared of Henry, so if he hated her then half the school did too by default.

But the fact of the matter was Henry didn't hate Lyds, if anything he wanted her back. But after all he was the one who cheated and broke her heart, so for some reason the only option he had in his mind was to act resentful towards his love for her breaking up with him. The boy didn't want to risk his reputation.

In fact as he saw her approaching with Vic beside her and Patrick's arm draped over her shoulder he had to remind himself how much he was supposed to resent her for dumping him, rather than wanting to apologise and kiss her for cheating and ruining their relationship.

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