Twelve - "Lydia f*cking Greystone."

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"So you guys are fighting again? Is that why didn't want to come today?"

"Vic..." Lydia mumbled with a shake of her head, "You don't understand, he showed up at Stan's Bar Mitzvah-"

"Wait you actually went to that thing? Henry actually went to that thing?" Victor let out a quiet laugh as the two walked together up the dirt path of Henry's yard.

"Don't be an asshole, it was a special day for Stanley, but Henry... he showed up just to ruin it the whole thing for Stan, but then he tried to twist it all around and say he did it for me and he came to apologise."


"But it was all just bullshit... I knew it was, and then when I tried to walk away he-" she let out a heavy breath, "He called out for me-"

"He told you he loved you didn't he?"

"He did, and I just walked away from him, I just left him out there Vic... Now does that make him or me the asshole?"

"Henry's the asshole." The blonde boy wrapped a comforting arm around his best friend's shoulders, "He did the same thing the last time you guys were together, he tried to hurt you but he just hurt himself in the end."

"Why didn't I fall for you instead?" She stared up at the older boy with wonder in her eyes

"In another world Greystone." Vic smiled

"Come in Losers! Hurry the fuck up!" Henry yelled across the yard as Lyds and Vic both only rolled their eyes in return.

"What's up Belch?" Lydia smiled over to her friend

"Nothing." The older boy shrugged, "Henry's Dad is letting us clean his gun."

"Yeah we're doing some target practice with this thing, you wanna try?" Henry spoke with a devious smile

"Nah I'm good."

"No thanks Henry, I'd rather not be arrested."

"Your loss." He shrugged almost as if he didn't have a care in the world, but secretly Henry cared more than anyone, for her at least.

Silently, Vic and Lyds day on the hood of Belch's car, still with Victor's arm around he blonde girl and Henry could barely tear his eyes away from them, even as he raised his arm to fire the gun.

"Woah, Henry!" Lydia suddenly outburst, before she quickly climbed from her seat and over to Belch, "You almost just fired that fucking thing as Belch!"

"Dude what the fuck?"

"Well he- uh... he was in my way!"

"Henry can you not just take responsibility for yourself for once? Jesus!"

"Would you stop with this now?" The Bowers boy snapped, "You're mad at me for what I did, we get it, and I'm sorry. I told you I love you, and you didn't say it back, everyone gets it!"

"Just calm down Henry-"

"I'm calm! Okay Belch? Everyone's calm! Now let's just fire the fucking gun and do some crazy shit, okay?"

Everyone silently nodded.

Lydia moved back to her place beside Vic and Henry instantly felt his blood boil at the way she sat so close to him, closer than before, and his arms wrapped loosely around her shoulders as they spoke in hushed whispers to one another. He wanted to beat Vic there and then, even despite him being one of his only actual friends.

Belch could practically sense the anger emanating from Henry and so he made sure to move himself out of the firing line before Henry could even think to raise his gun.

Insanity // Henry Bowers [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now