Jack could tell that Dean was punching down his rage in his head, trying not to snap at the man he didn't own.

" Wade is next in line and will automatically take over his place. You have to convince him to give it to....however you want it to go to" Dean spoke.

" How am I supposed to do that?".

Dean shook his head.
" I don't fucking know! Figure it out! I'm not your father".

Jack smiled at that, his hand twisting the knob as he left. As that door closed as his feet brought him to the front door automatically, that smile stayed in place. That had been the first time, the only time, that Dean has said that he wasn't his father. It may seem sad without context. But to Jack, it was the nicest, most liberating things Dean could have said to him.

Jack didn't see the girl on his way out. So he stepped into the cold night air and crossed his arms for warmth. His eyes looked to the stars for answers, his breath coming out in mist.

Now to figure out how to convince Wade that it was in his best interest to hand the company over to him.

But, first he had to find Wade.

"Good thing his wife works as a makeup artist for Mark-Amy? Whoever" Jack mumbled as he got into the car.

His fingers brushed over the keys before turning them, making the car engine roar into life. Jack carefully pulled out, using techniques he'd seen done by Tyler in the very car when he was a passenger.

As Jack traced his twists and turns back through the dirt road, his mind couldn't help but wonder.

Would Mark and everyone else be mad that he just ran off?
They would have surely stopped him if he had told them their plan.
Would they understand? At all?

Jack bit his fingers nails nervously, chopping them down to the skin. His only hope was that Mark was okay. That he himself would be okay. That there would once be a day we're everyone will be equal.

He hoped for that day.


" Yeah we have everyone to ask on the streets, but they won't know where the leader lives" Ethan blurted out.

Mark dead panned.
" But Jack knows".

" Jack lived with him for years" Ethan cut off. " Most slaves are low level, I barely know where the warehouse is where I was bought from".

Everyone turned quiet again, the small glimmer of hope they once had diminishing again. Their minds wondered around the possibility of getting to Jack, to help him survive through all of this.

" If we cant get to Jack, what do we do?" Matt asked. " We have to help him somehow".

Ethan ran his hand through his blue ripped hair, his eyes trailing to the floor.
" I think Jack will be okay, they won't hurt him, he's....human".

Mark scoffed.
" Really? Because in my experience they slice and dice anyone they don't like".

Ethan shook his head, his weight shifting from one leg to the other. As his thoughts accumulated to explain his words, his mind was flashed back to when he was held by the traders. It always made him nervous to remember.

" You were there when it was illegal, if it's already illegal for them why not throw in manslaughter? But it's legal now, they have to play by the governments rules, as if they were an official organisation" Ethan explained. " No organisation can out right kill someone and get away with it".

Mark nodded, the small flame in his heart re-igniting, Jack would be hurt. But his mind couldn't help but stray from that headspace into another, where unspeakable things where possible.

" I repeat" Matthias started.
" If we can get to Jack,how do we help him?".

Shane stepped forward to the first time. He'd been quite quiet for the past few seconds, but now it seemed he had something to say.

" We don't know when this will be worked out, when Jack will take over or whatever. We have to get the public used to freeing the slaves" Shane started.

" How do we do that?" Amy asked, having been quiet this whole time as well.

Shane and Felix made eye contact. Their minds on the same track.

" Protesting" They said in unison.

" We'll March down the streets" Felix said.

Mark frowned, opposed to the idea.
" Us and what army?".

Ethan smiled.
" As I said, most slaves are low level, not more then a thousand dollars, I'm sure combined we could all afford that".

" We march with the slaves we buy. I think we am afford a few hundred" Felix smiled.

" We'll be jailed on sight" Mark said.

Shane shook his head, passion floating in his eyes. He took the hand of Ryland, squeezing it tightly.

" People protested for equal rights for Native Americans, people protested for gay fights, now its time to protest for slave rights" Shane started.
" If this is the only thing we can do to help, we have to do it. We can't leave Jack to fight this battle alone".

Mark slowly made his way over to Shane. He stopped just short of him. A glimmer of hope in his eyes. He had began to loose hope when Jack had just gone up and left, then when he found out he was gunning for the leader. He felt as if he'd better pronounce Jack right then and there.
But now there was a chance, a chance that they could fight for their rights. For their chance to be human again. Even if they were to fail, they would leave an impact that would last for years.
However this went, something we bound to happen.

" I'm in" Mark spoke.

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