part 22

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[real life]

"You're so pretty baby. So fucking pretty. I love you so much, but wake the fuck up!"

alex opened his eyes to see the love of his life with a glass of water in his hands. he began to smile up at him, but the water was unexpectedly splashed onto him.

"what the fuck! i'm fucking awake okay, fucker."

"fuck sorry, i didn't mean to throw it on you, while you were awake."

zach mumbled the last 4 words, but alex could hear and his face went straight.

"you fuckward!"




"i love you."

"i love you too."

alex moved out of the bed, and checked his phone.

"OH FUCK!" alex screamed, starting zach.

"are you okay?" zach asked shaking a little.

alex didn't respond, but looked at his phone again. he grabbed the small bag he brought along and ran out of the room, not forgetting to give zach a quick kiss before he left.


again, alex didn't respond. zach began to get worried, and decided to follow alex once he got ahead of zach.

zach ran to alex's house, only to find the love of his life shaking and crying on the floor. instinctively, zach ran up to the room where alex layed and stroked his hair, attempting to calm the boy down.

"i-i'm s-so s-s-s-"

"shhh baby don't talk. calm down first then we'll talk." that only made, much to zach's dismay, cry even more.

after a few minutes of zach holding alex as he cried, alex sat up and began to speak.

"i'm not good enough for you." alex spoke, voice cracking at a few words.

"don't think that. it's not true. i love you. i always have. i'm never going to stop loving you. i can't stop loving you. believe me, i've tried. i have tried many times in fact. but you're always too perfect for me to get over you. cause you're so beautiful and cute and amazing and i love you more than anything."

"t-thank you. i l-love you."

"shh it's okay baby. just try to sleep a little." zach spoke softly.

"zach we just woke up." alex giggled. with that giggle, heat rose to zach's cheeks.

"well do you want me to leave, or stay."

"stay please," alex said quickly, "i don't w-want to freak out and h-h-hurt myself."

alex looked down and zach's eyes saddened at his boyfriends words.

"okay of course i'll stay." zach embraced alex and they stayed like that for a few minutes.

the rest of the day consisted of movies, walks to the park, and just all around cute lovey crap that would make anyone's heart melt.

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