part 19

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[real life hehe this is gonna suck]
Alex's Pov

"Hey Alex," I look behind me to see Zach scratching the back of his neck, "c-can i talk to you for a second? Privately?"

"Uh y-yeah sure." I say blushing.

God you must sound so dumb.

We walk behind the school, and he stops. Slowly turning around, Zach takes my hand in his. Our fingers dance across each other gracefully. As confused as i am, i can't help but fall in love with his action.

He steps back, but not very far, and starts to cry. I've never seen him cry before. He sobs and i rush over to him, as fast as i can with my cane. Engulfing him in my arms, i stroke his hair and do my best to calm him down.

"Alex i'm so sorry," he says in between sobs, "I didn't mean anything i said about gay people."

I gape back at him in shock.

"W-why did you s-say it then?" i say, yet again stuttering.

"I was scared, because i'm-i'm gay. Or maybe bisexual i'm still figuring it out. All i know is that i'm in love with a guy. The best guy. He stole my heart so long ago and hasn't given it back since-"

Zach continued, but i couldn't listen. I couldn't listen to him go on and on about his perfect boy. The boy i knew, wasn't me.

As i was lost in my thought, i didn't notice when i suddenly felt two lips on mine.

Zach is kissing me.

I couldn't move, i was frozen.

He pulled away and starts crying again. Soon i realized what i had done and i pulled him back into my lips.

He smiled against my lips and i started kissing harder. With our lips having been pressed against each other for a few minutes now, i decided that we should talk about this. I slowly backed away, already missing the taste of his lips.

"Hey Zach?," i said timidly, "Do you actually like me? Or is this another prank?"

"No no Alex, of course it isn't a prank! I'm so sorry i pulled that prank before, but this is real i promise. I love you. "

Even though i was still unsure if he was telling the truth, i pulled him into a hug. I started crying there on his shoulder.

"W-why are you crying? I'm so sorry if i did something wrong, Alex i'm so sor-"

"No i'm just so happy," i exclaimed with tears still flowing down my pale cheeks, "Zach i've been in love with you for so long. I just can't believe that you actually like me back."

"No you're right," i look at him confused,"I don't like you."

"W-what?" i say starting to cry again.

"No i don't just like you. Alex Standall, I Zachary Dempsey love you with my whole gay ass heart."

My tears stop, and i smile wider than i have smiled in a very long time.

"I love you too, dork."

And with that, everything was okay. I had a boyfriend, and a best friend. That was all i needed. I was so happy. And for the first time in years...

Everything felt like it was going to be okay.

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