part 5

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Today was my birthday.
You and Jessica made me a banner. It was so nice of you guys. Except for when Bryce got involved. I'm still wondering why you didn't defend me. You usually defend me, but since it was against Bryce I guess that was too much of a risk.

I let my anger get the best of me, and I yelled some things at Bryce I probably shouldn't repeat. Sadly, I really hurt Jessica. I didn't really care though. At least you didn't leave me after that. You still seemed kinda distant at me for the rest of the day. I guess i deserved that.
Jessica didn't talk to me either.

When we got to the swimming pool together you told me that i was getting better.
You also said that we might not have to do this anymore. I don't know if you realized at the time but that simple statement shattered my entire world.

My head began to blur as my eyes welled with tears. However, I couldn't cry in front of you. Or i could've and you would have payed attention to me, but I guess that's not the amount of attention I really wanted.

Maybe after I do this, I will really get you're full attention. Neither Bryce nor Jessica were going to have you attention now. I'm going to get it. And you'll fall in love with me.


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