part 17

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Her name was Mary. She came to my door, because my mother thinks i need a therapist. Or, in her words, someone my age to talk to. So therefore Mary comes to my door trying to help me. She goes to Liberty and is in my grade. Did my mother even think this through? It's like she's paying Mary to be my friend. Does she even think that's a little...strange?

Mary was really really nice. She didn't judge me, and we didn't even talk about my actual problems. We talked about school, and Hannah Baker for some reason. Everything was going great until she noticed, my scars.

I wasn't expecting to see anyone for the rest of the day, so i wasn't prepared to hide my scars. I didn't even think of them when i was talking to her. However, when she noticed, i could tell she was upset. I don't know why, we've known each other for less than 2 hours and she was hurt by my self harm.

She asked if i wanted to talk about it and i quickly shook my head no. She obliged and we carried on with our conversation. The topics were wild and changing every second. At one point sexuality came up. Mary was lesbian. I thought this was my chance to finally tell someone i was gay.

So i did, and she smiled at me. She looked happy for me. Like she was proud of me. Of course she asked if i liked anyone. I told her about you. I'm not sure why, i just felt like i had a bond to her. Mary smiled wider than she had, saying that she was going to "hook us up". I immediately said no. She wouldn't listen so eventually I told her what happened after 8th period. Her face fell and she started apologizing profusely. I explained that it was okay and we changed to subject.

It was half past 8 when Mary finally left. We had talked for 4 hours. It was awesome. I actually felt happy for the first time in forever.

I was smiling and laughing. I couldn't stop smiling. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My eyes were smiling, not just my mouth. This was no fake smile, I was actually smiling. Mary was amazing.

I finally found a friend.

I get to see her tomorrow. We made plans to eat lunch together.


[my baby is happy!!! okay i'm not sure where exactly this story is gonna go but just be happy alex is happy okay? thanks for 1,000+ reads and almost 100 votes (its at 99 when i'm writing this). and for#3 in the Zalex hashtag(?)  that's frickin amazing thanksss

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