Chapter Four: I'm Going To Die Of Combustion.

Começar do início

"Yeah, everything is pretty smooth," I told her, typing in my password. "I'm working with Jake and that makes everything better."

"Wait," her sudden excitement at our mutual friend's name made the sound of what I knew was the TV come to a stop, leaving the music. "Jake's in the movie?"


"Ugh, I love him. Next time you come to New York, bring him. He's the light of my life."

"I thought that was me." I joked.

"You're like a close second."

I rolled my eyes, smiling as she laughed. "The only annoying thing is the screenwriter."

"The screenwriter? What did they do?"

"He's just irritating. He came in the first day with a black eye that he got over this girl's boyfriend after sleeping with her, however, he didn't know that the girl had a boyfriend."



There was a pause in our conversation and I settled in my bed, waiting for what Sydney was going to say. "He irritates you?" She asked slowly.

"Yeah, but I don't want to get into that."

"Got it," She dismissed it and I let out a thankful breath that we could move on from the topic when she decided to press the rewind button. "Is he attractive, though? To you?"

I sighed, heading over to Netflix. "Very."

"Now that's interesting."

"I don't care about the hot screenwriter. Just talking about him irritates me. What makes things worse is that Angie made me her wing woman without even meeting the guy. I can already sense that we're going to have to talk more because he could just want to get into her pants."

"He's just a hookup kind of guy?"

"I don't want to assume," I admitted, also opening up my email in another tab. "Maybe he could be capable of a relationship but when I said he doesn't seem like the committed type he got quiet. Then he moved on."

"Maybe Angie could change that."

"I don't think it really matters because Angie would be more than okay with just sleeping with him." If I knew my friend as well as I did, she would be very happy with that.

"If he's as attractive as you're all making him out to be then whatever you say."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," I suddenly remembered the key thing I had wanted to tell her. "Giulio basically told me that he wants a relationship with me."

Whatever Sydney was doing while talking to me, she probably stopped doing because her voice got very high and the music finally came to a stop. It got quiet on her side. "Shut up."

"I'm not lying." Sydney hung up the call and before I knew it she popped up my laptop screen through video chat seconds later.

My best friend's beautiful dark brown curly hair was tumbled around her shoulders and she was in the process of tying it up into a bun that ended up flopping on the side of her head. The expression on her face was filled with surprise.

Her light was on and I could see her clearly in front of me, sitting on the couch of her living room. She had a pen behind her ear and papers everywhere. I could see a plate of food on the left of her and her speaker system on the other side. I felt like everything on her couch was about to fall off if she moved just slightly. Sydney was probably one of the most interesting people I've ever met.

Everything Happens At 2:04 AMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora