39: You Won't Take Our Life From Us

Start from the beginning

(the group of men comes in contact with Nick's pack; some sub-groups start chanting; the march begins)

BASIL: "That's gotta be at least a hundred."

MR GOERING: (almost stunned) "No, Basil. That's at least one thousand."

ELSIE: (over the chants of the fascist protestors) "Doesn't matter. We came here to do one job! And whether I do it alone, with Oscar, with forty students, or with a thousand people, this rally will meet a match!"

(some of the counter-protestors clap; some woop)

ELSIE: "Now let's get to the roundabout before it's surrounded.  Hold your signs high."


[The walk there, The Street Outside Atenamal High, 1:09 PM]

(they're walking amoungst the rowdy, black-clad fascist protestors)

OSCAR: "I didn't think there were this many white men in the town."

FENDER: (looking around as he pushes Basil) "Me neither. Listen to them."

OSCAR: "I wish I didn't have to." (...) "You know, Fender, Mr Goering only said he was gay to prove a point. I told him he might have to start defending himself, once the rumours get out. He said, 'why defend myself against something that's not offensive?'."

FENDER: "I'm not defending myself anymore." (looks at Oscar with a sad half-smile) "Remember? That's what I told Gabi, when I called her a bitch. I shouldn't have done that."

OSCAR: "Called her a bitch? She deserved it. She's been like that for a while. Maybe her entire school career."

FENDER: "I still don't like that word."

OSCAR: "You didn't have to like it to call her it. In fact, that just makes it even more profound, the fact that you used such a degenerate word on her."


ELSIE: (screaming) "OSCAR!"

OSCAR: "What?"

(Elsie points up ahead; a group of non-Atenamal students had formed to counter the fascist protestors; there are women, people of colour and men who hold Black Lives Matter signs galore; they begin a chant of their own though it's indistinguishable against the thundering boom of the white men marching down the street)

BASIL: "Fender, you might want to go a bit faster."

(it gradually becomes clear that a riot had broke out between the fascist protestors and the counter-protestors; the street is filled with yelling, curse words, and scuffling; skirmishes are breaking out)

MR GOERING: "Everyone, go to the roundabout, now!"

(Oscar starts running; he turns back to see Fender struggling with Basil's wheelchair; Oscar runs back to them and gets hit in the face with the base of a sign on his way)

FENDER: "Her wheel is stuck on something - "

OSCAR: (crouching to meddle with the wheels) "The lock came down." (unlocks it) "Come on - "

FENDER: (pausing in the midst of the ruckus) "Your face is bleeding..."

OSCAR: "Doesn't hurt - come on - "

(a pair of people - a woman counter-protestor and a male fascist - in a scrum boulder into Oscar, knocking him to the pavement; his head is kicked by somebody's boot; suddenly an older-looking white man with a mustache and a shirt that reads 'PROUD SUPPORTER of the MUSLIM BAN' materializes over Oscar)

Oscar Glyde Won't Heal Your PrideWhere stories live. Discover now