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It was just like that
We became strangers
Just like that
You became unknown to me
My confidant
My friend
My love
You were my everything
But now you're nothing
Just a name
and a face
I can't explain
How much you meant to me
Or even how much you hurt me
You were oh so important to me
I learned to care for my self
By caring for you
I learned what love really meant
From watching you love
I was there for you
And you for me
Year after year but yet
Now you're gone as if it meant nothing to you
You're gone and left me with no one to hold
No one to care for
No one to love
All alone
It's crazy to wish for a stranger's happiness over your own
To wish for their success
And for their dreams to come true
I don't know who you are anymore
But still, I wish you the best
I wish you love and happiness
I don't know you or your dreams
But as you succeed
I lie awake
Hoping you still think of me
Wondering if you still care for me,
Your friend,
Your perfect stranger

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