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Tossing and turning


Thinking of you

Is all I can do

Joyous first meeting

Extravagant first day

Together, with you

All our adventures

We Long foreknew

The first show

The first trip

The first question

Then again

The second show

Second trip

The second question

Down on one knee

"Will you marry me?"

Plans foretold

Our life

Soon to unfold

Like a fairy tale

"Happily ever after"

Like a child

"Together forever"

Then it comes

A first child

First ballet

First trip

First grade

First love

But alongside

A First fight

First sickness

First pain

First heartbreak

First death

But even when you're gone

All I can do

Is think of you


Turning and tossing

For I do not know you

Nor this dream

Nor this life

But I lay in bed


With all you could have said

Thoughts of us happy

Together, a family

I'm sorry,

It must be

My megalomania

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