He's Jealous

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"So, where are we going?" I aslked Charles.

"I thought we might go to the circus." He smiled and started walking.

"I didn't know there is one in town?" I followed him.

"Well, they arrived a couple days ago but I think they are ready to open."

"But why would it be open in the middle of the day? Most of people work or are in school."

"I know, they now have almost no security so it'll be easy to break in."

"Charles!" I stopped walking mid step. "That's illegal! We can't break in!"

"We're already breaking the law. We're skipping classes, remember? Plus, everything is legal if no one is watching." He smirked.

"Look at him! He's acting like a thug! You shouldn't spent time around him, he's a bad example!" I heard someone screaming behind me. I looked around scared. I was sure that we were alone on the streets. "How can you stand this... This... Rebel?!"

I looked at a display of a shop to my right. George's reflection was standing in it with a grumpy face.

"George! You can't just suddenly pop next to me and scream!" I said as silently as I could. "Plus I can't talk to you with others around, I don't want to look like a crazy person."

"You're coming or are you to scared?" Lee looked back at me, his smile faded a bit.

"I'm coming, I just had to tie my shoes." I ran to catch up with him. George's reflection followed us looking at us from every reflectavle object.

"I don't trust him. He will get you into trouble. He's just so... Argh! Why is he even taking  you anywhere? You should sleep, you said it yourself."

I felt a yawn coming and tried to hold it in to not prove his point. Charles grabbed my arm and suddenly walked to the other side of the road. There were no windows or displays there, so George vanished. Good, he was starting to get in my nerves a bit. He just doesn't know Charlie how I do.

He let go of my hand and we walked until a metal fence crossed our path. Charles tossed our backpacks to the other side, then climbed it himself. I felt the rush of adrenaline in my body, we were actually doing this.

"Do you need help with climbing?"

I shook my head and mimicked his moves. I scratched my knee a little while landing but other then that I did a pretty good job.

"Where to now?" I asked him whispering and picked up my backpack. The circus was actually something more of a funfair.

"Let's make ourself some hot dogs."

"Charles! Nooooo. That's stealing! I don't-" I stopped for a moment and thinked back to everything that happened and at my short hair.  "Actually no. I'm done with being the nice little Samuel. First we will make ourself hotdogs, then I want to steal lots of cotton candy and ice cream. And we will do all of that together." I grabbed his hand and walked dragging him behind me.

"Nice. And I think I could follow the new Sam even to the end of the world."

We did all of that, we even took a big stuffed squirrel plushie. We called it Stacy. I didn't even like it, I just wanted to have it. That felt so good.

We were walking around looking for something to do next. And then I saw it - the mirror hause. The creepiest place in the world.

"Come on Charles! It's time to look fear in the eyes!" I took Stacy with me. We looked around for a lightswitch first and wane we found it flipped it

Inside was a corridor made from funky mirrors, the rest was a mirror maze.

"Hey Sam, look how fat I am! And there's even a mirror that can make me fatter. Shots fired! Oooo!"

"Charlie auto dissing yourself doesn't count as making a good burn." I laughed notherles. I thought of a good idea. "Let's play hide and seek, the looser has to do something embarrassing! I hide and you seek. I can't say no, let's gooo"

I started running into the maze giggling like a schoolgirl. I bumped into some of the mirrors because it looked like there was a path, but I was still moving quite fast. I took a turn left, there was a small room with all the walls made of mirrors.

"Aw men.. Dead end." I touched all off the walls to make sure.

"Sam, you really shouldn't spend time with him. It's getting serious."

George, of course he would've appeared and with him another headache.

"That bad egg Charles made you really cross the line. Can't you see that I won't be able to help you where you're going?" He stood in the mirror in front of me.

"Oh my Godzilla. You're just like the rest. You're just jealous. Jealous that I have a real friend."

"Sam I'm also you're real friend. That's why I want to protect you."

"No you're not. I don't need anyone to protect me. Especially you. Since you can't. You're just useless."

"Sammy, that really hurt, you know?"

"I'm never going be the same, scared, pathetic boy again. And if you don't like it then just... go away. I don't need you!"

The mirror crashed before I could rethink what I just said. The fear and anxiety immediately hit me, like earlier there was something holding that away.

"OH shit! I'm so sorry Sammy, are you okay? I didn't know it would break that easy." Charles was standing in the entrance.

"What did you do." I looked at the shards laying by my feet. "What the hell did you do?!"

"Like I said, I'm sorry. I just wanted to bounce that ball  I found to hit you. It was supposed to be a joke." He looked chill with it. "Who were you talking to?"

"We need to go. Now." I left Stacy on the ground and started retracing my steps as fast as I could.

"I don't understand. What happened?"

"This was a mistake. Let's just go home before someone catches  us."

It was too late. When we got outside we could hear the police sirens and see police cars pared near the entrance. We must've activated the alarm or something.

"We gotta run through the back. Follow me." Charles started running but one of the workers stood in his way. "Retreat!"

We both ran as fast as we could. We almost made it to the fence when someone jumped at us and we were pushed to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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