He's Right

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"Wait? Who? What?" I fell from my bed eyes still closed. This sudden buzz really scared me, even if it was just my phone. Ok, let's see who interrupted my sleep.

You've got five messages from: Charlie Chaplin the edge lord

Lee? I know we're friends, but he never texts me, he usually sleeps at this time or works at some part time job. It sure must be something serious.

Charlie Chaplin the edge lord: Hi Sam. I noticed you're not in school, did something happened?

It's really sweet how he worries so much about me. Friend like that is a real treasure.


Huh... he got over it quickly. Was I just a warm up for him to get the real deal? Stop it Samuel, that's not true. You had good time with him, but it's over. You should be happy for him, and you will. They're going to be a great couple.

Charlie Chaplin the edge lord: Dude, he just told me that you brake up. Is that true????????

Charlie Chaplin the edge lord:
Sorry, you're probably sad about it :C

Charlie Chaplin the edge lord:
You know what, I'm coming over after school. We can talk about it if you want, and I'll bring you your homework ;)

He's coming over? Wait... What was in that dream?... Oh right that thing with-

"GEORGE WAS RIGHT! He was worried about me and is coming to check on me! That means that there are different worlds- dimensions- things! He IS real! That WAS real! Am I real? Is anything even real?! What if I'm dreaming right now?! WHAT IF I'M A DIFFERENT PERSON'S DREAM?! WHAT IF I'M JUST A FICTIONAL CHARACTER IN A POORLY WRITTEN FAN FICTION?!"

Someone knocked on the front door and I rushed there. I opened the door to see Charles. Still not sure about existence of anything I slapped his face. He looked really surprised and it took him a moment to process what just happened.

"Sorry, I didn't bring ice cream?" He didn't look mad, more concerned and awkward.

"Gosh, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm just really stressed and I don't know what to do, I am super aware, WOKE to all, I'm sorry, you probably won't believe, wait! I can touch you! You're not fake! What a relief!" I quickly hugged him, for all I know it might be the whole world against us.

"Woah, slow down" he blushed a little. "Just- tell me everything, and don't be scared, I'm sure whatever it is that's on your mind it's not that serious." He yawned. HOW CAN HE BE SO CALM?! DOESN'T HE SEE THAT ALL OF THIS IS A CONSPIRACY?! THE GOVERNMENT WAS HIDING THIS FROM US! THE LIZARDS PROBABLY ARE TRACKING ME RIGHT NOW.

"I'm calm, because I'm really tired and my brain functions at a really slow rate." I realized that I said all of this at loud - note to self, work on that. "Also I'm sure the only conspiracy here is if the earth was a sphere the people in Australia would fall off."

"He doesn't know! How could he know? You're probably the only one who knows the truth!" I said it more to myself and pushed him in.

"Hey, that was just a joke!" He frowned a bit and walked to my room.

I looked around outside to see if someone was following him and slammed the door shut. I walked to my room and pulled down the blinds.

"Were you sleeping in class?"

"What? Why would it matter?" He said confused.

"It does. Just answer."

He let out a sigh.  "Yeah, I was. Not the first time tho. You know I have work, and I stay up late, because of all the exams and-"

"Lee, listen please." I interrupted him. "What I'm about to tell you sounds impossible, and crazy, but I can ensure you that I'm sane. Just promise you won't tell anyone, for now at least, and that you'll take this seriously." I looked him deep into his navy blue eyes. His appearance changed, he stopped looking goofy and began looking serious.

"Sammy, you're my best friend. You know you can trust me and tell me anything." He took my hands and smiled. Sometimes I just feel so safe around him, I'm so happy to have a friend like that. We sat on my bed.

"I don't know how to say it, so I'll just say it. Apart of this world there is a different one, a dream one. And you remember that British king, George the III? He's still alive in there. I know all of this because every time I fall asleep I'm transformed into a middle ground of this two worlds and can talk to him. As a proof that he's real he said that you were asleep at that time and that you will come in here. And you did!" I squeezed his hand harder. He blinked a couple of times and looked at me again, he looked a bit scared and let go of my hand. I could feel tears staring to fell from my eyes. "I'm not lying! I-I... Please, Charlie... "

Why did I told him? All of this is stupid. He'll probably go and tell everyone that I'm crazy. I hid my face in my hands and teared up. Suddenly I felt him hugging me.

"Hush... It's okay Sammy. I... believe you." I looked up at him and he dried up tears from my face with his sleeve.

"What are we going to do? What if it means that we're not real if he is?" I tried to calm down.

"Well, first of we won't tell anyone. I mean it does sound crazy, and normal people wouldn't understand it, so it's better for them to not know. You saw how you reacted." He wrapped his hands around me and changed position so I would be more comfortable. His calmness was all I needed at the time and helped me to relax.

"About that other part... I think that we are real, to each other, the same as this king person is real in his world. That means that we both can be real at the same time, but from different points of view. So don't think about it, because you'll just going to stress yourself."

"You're right. Wait, when did you get that smart? I mean with thinking like that you could easily get even better marks than Hamilton." I smiled.

"Woah, let's not go that far." He laughed. "First of all, you have to remember that I'm always tired and extremally lazy. Secondly, I know this because I read it in a book. It was on a second page or something, I didn't even have to try, I kind of read it on accident when I was looking at the pictures."

"It sounds interesting, where did you get it?"

"Oh, it's from my family library. It's more of a journal than a book. I don't think that you'll like it. "

"What are you saying! Of course I would like it, especially if it's from your family. Could I please borrow it?" I suddenly felt a rush of energy coming through me. That book sounded very interesting. Lee on the other hand looked a trifle down.

"I don't know..." He rubbed his head.

"Pwetty pwease??"

He sighed. "Can't say no to that... Sure, whatever. But after I finish with it."

"Deal!" I smiled widely. "Oh, and by the way, you don't have to hug me anymore."

"S-sorry!" He quickly released me and got even redder. I just giggled at him.

Finally, another excuse for a chapter. Ok, but seriously, it's almost 1am and I barely know what I'm doing ;-;. About that video at the top, this is a reason why I'm not posting frequently. Just enjoy (please).

1266 words

~ edited (note: still  Friday)

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